Chat- is you?! (part 2)

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Marinette pulled away from one of their many kisses. She really didn't want to but she was still very surprised that Adrian was Chat Noir.

"No. Maybe it was just a dream." Concluded Marinette.

Kind of to her pleasure Chat looked at her and said his de-transformation words.

Chat became Adrian. Now she knew. She didn't know what to think. Or feel! She let Adrian see her~ notty side!! This was so embarrassing. She felt like she might shrivel up and die. Adrian sat on her bed, still holding Marinette up, and smiled at her.

Marinette looked away, red bursts into her cheeks.
Adrian simply giggles. This makes Marinette more embarrassed. Now she felt like crying. She stoped liking Adrian a long time ago. Well, she still liked him but he never saw it so she stopped pursuing him. But here he was, sitting in front of her. Her boyfriend. This was so weird. She had told Adrian about himself. But as how she saw him.
Then Marinette giggled. She had also told Chat about her civilian life while she was Ladybug. And his reply for when she was sad was always something funny. But he never knew she was talking about him. Marinette giggled again. He called himself dumb. Without even knowing it. Maybe it wasn't so bad.

Adrian looked down at Marinette. Why had she turned her head?
Had he done something?
He was very confused.
Then he felt Marinette start to tremble. He felt worried. Then he realized she was giggling. He just sat there, watching her. After some time she looked up at him. She smiled.

"Soooo," Marinette starts. "This is a little embarrassing. I mean I talked about you, to you!"

Adrian laughed.

"Yea. I guess so! I can't believe I was so blind before. I kind of wish I saw before. But you know. And I definitely know now. But I'm glad I'm finally with you." Replied Adrian.

Marinette was very happy that her Chat was also her Adrian. But there was one problem. She was Ladybug. She wasn't the guardian. So she kinda has to know all the identities. But she worried that she would accidentally call Chat, "Adrian" during a battle.

"Well isn't it bad that I know your identity? What if I get alukaitized?!" Asked Marinette.

She knew this would not ever happen. But she still has to ask.

Suddenly Adrian's ring started to flash. Not long after Marinette's earrings started to flash. Marinette was panicked! She looked over to were she hid the Mother box. It was also blinking. The Fox miraculous box was the brightest. Marinette looked back at Adrian.

"Wow. Your earrings do the same thing my ring does. So cool! Well I'll be back. I guess there's another attack! Love you!" Stated Adrian.
He leaned in amd kissed Marinette then left.

 He leaned in amd kissed Marinette then left

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      NOT MINE!!!!

Marinette was shocked! Adrian really was blind. He didn't notice that she was a holder. She got up and grabbed the Fox miraculous. Then she transformed and left to find Alya.


While I wrote this chapter I listened to a song. It's called Panic room. It has nothing to do with what I wrote but it was really good. I think y'all should listen to it while you read this chapter. Or just listen to it in general. Anyways thanks for reading.

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