The Truth

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The last part (Celebration) was all about Marinette, this part will be about Adrian and what he was doing the whole time in the last part.

"Go put on the hair clip!" Ordered Alya

"Ok, ok. I'll be right back" Replied Marinette standing up and walking away.

"Oh ya! Hey, dude. I got ya this. Hope you like it." Said Nino handing Adrian a small box with a weird pattern on top. The box was black and the pattern was red.
As Adrian was examining the box his phone ran.
"I'm gonna take this. I'll be right back." Said Adrian picking up his phone and walking towards the kitchen.

"Adrian. Is everything go ok?" Asked Natalie

"Yes. Is there something else?" Replied Adrian

"No. Your father wanted to make sure you were ok. Have fun." Answered Natalie.
Adrian hung up and looked at the box.

"I wonder what's inside." He said to himself opening the box to find a ring inside. A black ring with a green paw print.
"Hmm. Very unique. Let's see if it fits." He said putting the ring on his finger.
The second it slid on a green light came out of it and the ring turned a normal silver color. The green light flew around Adrian for a little then stopped in front of him and then became a small cat looking thing.
"Wow! What are YOU?!" Asked Adrian super excited

"I'm plagg. Do you have any camembert?" Asked plagg.

"Um yes? In the cabinet. Here," Replied Adrian opening a cabinet to reveal the motherload of cheese.
"All right here" He said and Plagg dived into the cheese and ate away.

"Adrian we're headed down to the bakery." Shouted Nino.

"Coming!" Replied Adrian grabbing Plagg and running out of his room.
He rushed down to the bakery and saw Marinette looked like she was about to pass out. He walked over to her.
"Are you ok?" He asked her.
Marinette looked up at him and she had a strange look in her eyes. Was it anger?

"NO! You LIED to me!" She shouted at him.
She looked surprised at her outburst and covered her mouth. A tear slowly began to fall. She stood up and ran out of the bakery crying.

"Marinette! Wait!" Adrian called.
He looked around for his group and saw thim in line. He also checked to see if anyone heard the outburst but if they did they pretended they didn't.
Adrian ran after her and looked everywhere he thought she could possibly be. After a while he figured she would go to the bedroom so he ran up to that floor. As he ran he saw Luka and some boy with him. He stopped.

"Have you seen Mari? I mean Marinette?" Asked Adrian.

"Oh yes. Is something wrong with her?" Asked Luka.
Adrian looked at him and explained the whole problem. Luka looked like he had been hit by ship.
"Oh no! We better talk to her!" Replied Luka running in the direction of Adrian's room.
Adrian followed him and they both walked in.

"Marinette! Your not a monster!" Replied Adrian walking in as Marinette was talking down about herself.

"Just go away!" Cried Marinette.

"Look I know you don't want to listen but please let me explain." Pleaded Adrian.
Marinette didn't do anything so Adrian continued. He explained what he said about Luka being in love with guys, how he used to like Marinette but he thought she was in love with someone else.
After he was done explaining Luka rushed over to he side of the bed and Adrien couldn't help feel jealous. That feeling didn't last long. He felt the ship shudder. Or was he imagining things? Luka's boyfriend walked past him and over to Luka. As Alex bent down to shake Marinette's hand Adrian felt another lurch. Marinette sat up and went to shake Alex's hand as the whole ship suddenly shook so bad it felt like an earthquake. Then a sudden lurch forward caused Marinette to fly forward and hit hear hard on the wall. She looked unconscious.
Luka looked over at Adrian then at Marinette and went to pick her. Adrian rushed over to help Luka lift Marinette and put her into tbe bed.

"I'll go see what happened." Said Adrian turning to leave but Luka grabbed his arm.

"I can tell you like her. Stay with her. I'll go check." Luka said pushing Adrian down to the bed.
Luka rushed out and closed the door.
Adrian looked over and Marinette and realized she might need a ice pack. He rushed to get soms ice for her. When he came back to put it on her head. As he put the ice on her head Luka busted into the room.

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