The party

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(mixed povs)

"Dude, it's time to get her. I'll text Alya to come out here. All the lights are off so we'll be hiding in this room. Bring Marinette. I'll text Alya now. When she comes you go get her." Whispered Nino

"Ok. Then we surprise her." Replied Adrian going over the plan.


"Girl!! You look so sexy in that outfit!" Exclaimed Alya

"It seems a little reviling. Are you sure I should wear this?" Questioned Marinette

"Yes! Totally! ABSOLUTELY!" Shrieked Alya.
Her phone made a beeping sound.
"Hang on. Let me check this." She said pulling out her phone.
'Hey, take Mari to the balcony then come to the bedroom and hide. Adrian will get Mari and bring her in.' said the message.
"Oh! You know what? We should-- go... To the balcony! Ya. Come on!" Suggested Alya grabbing Marinette's arm and pulling her along.

"Umm, ok I don't see why though." Replied Marinette.

"No reason! Just it's going to be soooo pretty!" Lied Alya.

"Ok sure." Replied Marinette.

"Tada! Now wait here. I'll-- be right back." Stated Alya as she left.

"Well, I mean it is quite beautiful." Said Marinette to herself.


Adrian walked to the balcony and stood behind Marinette. The wind blew her hair and the outfit she was wearing took the breath right out of him. As he saw her an audible gasp could be heard. If Marinette heard it she didn't show it. He couldn't stop staring.

(Here's what it looks like from the front. Imagine what he saw from behind!)

The Adrian snapped back to reality and slowly walked over to her

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The Adrian snapped back to reality and slowly walked over to her. Her hands were on the railing, so he came from behind pressing his body to her's and put his hands on the railing next to her hands, unknowingly trapping her. His heart started to go really fast. It was so loud a whale could probably hear it.

(This is were the mixed povs start. When it's just a thought it'll end in the person's name if it's said out loud in a persons pov and I want another pic after it I'll put '------')

"Omg! He's super close. Like up against my body. What do I do? My heart is beating super fast!" Thought Marinette

"Oh shit! I probably just made her super uncomfortable. But what if she likes it? Do I move? What do I do?" Thought Adrian

"My body is starting to feel weird. Wait- what was that?" Asked Marinette to herself

"Shit! My thing. I should probably move. BEFORE SHE KNOWS WHAT IT IS!!!" thought Adrian

"Wait- don't tell me-" realized Marinette. But before she could ask Adrian move to her left side. Now she could move. But she didn't really mind Adrian trapping her.
"No! You- you like Luka. Not Adrian." Commanded Marinette to herself

"Heh, well that's a little embarrassing -" said Marinette trying to stay cool.
Adrian on the other hand turned red as a tomato.

"Shit! Sorry about that. I didn't mean for it to happen - I'm so sorry." He replied

"Haha - your so funny. It's fine but a little weird considering our just met me." Laughed Marinette.
Adrian joined in on the laugh.

"Well that's not super true - but, I understand." He replied.

"I know this is a weird request but, can I borrow a shirt from you? I need to cover myself because there are more than one guy who seem to have the same problem as you." Asked Marinette looking at some people at the dock.
Adrian looked down were Marinette was looking and saw what she ment.

"Ya! Sure one sec." He replied and ran off.

"Phew! That's so weird. I must be going crazy! I'm in love with Luka. Not Adrian." Marinette told herself

"Here's a shirt." Said Adrian coming back from somewhere.

"Thank you so much! Now. I'm so ready for bed." Yawned Marinette.

"Oh ya! Come with me real quick." Said Adrian. Leading Marinette to the bed room and setting her down on the bed.

"SURPRISE!" Shouted everyone emerging from different places.

"Ahh! Oh it's just you guys." Signed Marinette in relief.

"Happy birthday Marinette." Sang everyone.

"Wow. Y'all didn't have too." Replied Marinette

"Here take these and open them tomorrow. I realize it's late. Well sleep well Mari!" Said Alya pushing everyone out of their room.

"I'm gonna lay down now. Goodnight" yawn Marinette getting into bed and falling asleep.
Marinette was so tired she forgot that Adrian had to sleep in the same bed as her. He took advantage and chose to cuddle up to her. He soon fell asleep too.

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