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Chat Noir woke up next to Marinette. Then he realized he was in his civilian form! He surprisingly did care at the moment. He sat up and looked down at Marinette.
She had a soft smile on her face. She, of course, was still naked so, very carefully Adrian moved the covers on top of her. Once Adrian was done that's when he remembered.

"Great." Adrian thought to himself. "Now Plagg is definitely going to be mad with me."

Adrian carefully got off the bed and onto the floor. He walked a little bit away from the bed and pulled cheese out of his shirt. He held it in the air.
After a while Plagg came out of some corner. Adrian swore he saw something red but quickly ignored it as Marinette started to stir.

"Plagg! Eat it now!!" Whispered Adrian.

"Ughh. Fine. But I'm not happy with you!" Replied Plagg eating the caniberet.

"Wait- why are you mad at me?" Asked Adrian.

"Because you forgot to put your suit back on! You could have used magic to taken the suit away last night but nope! You had her take it off! Then you never put it back on! I've been so exhausted because it took me forever to get out of your ring!" Replied Plagg after he finished his cheese.

Adrian didn't realize that, that would cause a problem. Oh well. He need to transform back before Marinette woke up. He looked at his dear kwamii felling sorry for him and then whispered his transformation words.
If Plagg didn't love his holder he would have caticlismed either the ring or the hold. But because he loved his dear Adrian he didn't struggle against the magic pulling him in.

Chat looked around the room. There was no mess anywhere. Hmmm. Chat is probably gonna fix that.

Chat's cat instincts kicked in and he flipped a chair. Then he started to mess up more things. After he was done he realized what he had done. He looked back at his sleeping princess. She was about to wake up. Chat didn't want her to wake up and think her new boyfriend had abandoned her. He looked for some paper and a writing utensil. He found what he needed and proceeded to write a small letter. He folded the letter and wrote something on the top and set it next to Marinette's pillow.
Chat looked for the window he entered and left through it. He looked back one more time to see her open her eyes. Then he hoped away.

Chat finally stopped and then dread washed over him.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Thought Chat. "What if she gets pregnant?! She doesn't even know who you are! This is going to be horrible!"

Chat couldn't think straight so he rushed to his father's place and went to his room. His father kept his room so that if Adrian needed a break he could come home. Chat de-transformed and Adrian laid down on his bed. He didn't know what to do.


Marinette woke up feeling like absolute shit! She felt sick to her stomach.
Marinette got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom and sat in there for a very long time.
After her sickness seemed to pass, she walked back to her bed and sat down. She looked around her room. It was an absolute mess! What did Chat do?!
Marinette looked on her bed and found the note. She read it and her heart melted.

"He's so sweet." Marinette said to herself.

Marinette looked down at herself and then realized that she was not clothed. She looked out her window that was next to her bed and saw someone. She used the blankets to cover herself and moved twords the window. What she saw was horrifying. She quickly turned her head and then had Tikki close the blinds. Then she found a cute "Chat" inspired outfit. Then she called her friend.

"Alyaaaa!" Cried Marinette.

"Heyyy girl!" Replied Alya.

"Hey I woke up feeling like crap. Could you come over?" Asked Marinette.

"Sure. I also woke up the same way this morning. I bet I know what it is." Replied Alya.

"Ok see you soon." Laughed Marinette nervously.

"Byeee." Replied Alya hanging up.

Marinette laid back down and waited for her friend to come.

After probably 10 minutes of waiting Alya was in Marinette's bedroom.
Marinette wasn't surprised that Alya was just in her house. Alya was special. So she let it slide.

"So-" started Alya. "I brought these. You might wanna try one right now."

Marinette looked up to see Alya holding-- PREGNANCY TESTS?!

"What?! Alya are those necessary?" Asked Marinette shooting up.

"Yes! Now take one! Then tell me who you did it with." Said Alya with a smirk.

Marinette knew there was no way she would get out of this. So she took the test. She came out a minute later so pale she would probably be considered a ghost.

"What- what is it?!" Asked Alya.

"I-it says positive!!" Stuttered Marinette.

"Wow! Same girl! But you should take two more today. One in about 3 hours. Just to make sure. Now who's the baby daddy?" Asked Alya super eager to know.

"Um, promise not to laugh?" Asked Marinette.

"I promise!" Promised Alya.

"I-it's Chaton- I mean Chat Noir!" Replied Marinette looking away.

Alya tried to stay cool but she was so happy, mad, and thought this whole thing was funny.

--------we are going to skip a ton of stuff. This is because I'm to lazy right now to write stuff in between. Sorry.---------

It had been 7 months. Marinette had kept this baby for 7 months. Tikki even managed to make her ladybug suit hide her tummy. Marinette asked Tikki how she did this and even Tikki didn't wanna say. But on the 8th mouth mark something terrible happened. Marinette had to be rushed to the hospital. Apparently her baby was ready. She was in a hospital room when her doctor walked in. Marinette looked to see who it was and was mortified. This doctor happened to be Lila. Her worst enemy.
Lila seemed to smirk at Marinette as if she was planning something. Marinette didn't have time to worry. Her baby was already pushing itself out.

After the baby was born Lila, with a smirk, rook her away. Marinette's baby was a baby girl. Honestly it had a few of Adrian's features. Wait Adrian's? A little bit later Lila came back into the room.

"I- I am so sorry Ms... Your baby did not make it." Lila looked like she wanted to be sad but couldn't.

Marinette new this was Lila's doing but she was so mad that she didn't care. Her baby died. This was the worst news ever. But that's how the world was. She hurried and got dressed and just walked out of the hospital. On her way home she saw Chat. Then she tripped. Chat heard her and turned in time to see her fall. He rushed to catch her. Once he caught her he took her to her old house balcony.

"What's wrong princess?" Asked Chat.

"So. You got me pregnant - my due date was in a month but she came early and I had her today." Replied Marinette.

Chat was stunned. "Why don't you have her then?" He asked.

"Because Lila was my doctor today. After she was born Lila took her. She came back and told me the baby had passed. But I know that bitch! I mean my doctor killed her!" Cried Marinette.

Chat took Marinette in his arms bridal style and took her to her apartment. He sat down on her bed with her on top of his lap.

Chat and Marinette talked through stuff and soon Marinette knew that the kid wasn't going to survive anyway. She didn't forget her though. She always had her kid in her heart. Chat and Marinette decided that first kissing would be ok. At least till Marinette was ready to try again.


Adrian started to go everywhere with Marinette. She asked him why and he said orders from Chat. What they didn't know was that there was a Alya with a mischievous grin on her face and something in her hands.

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