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"wha--?? How did I get back here? Wasn't I just running with Adrian?" Thought Marinette sitting up in her bed.

"She's awake! Finally!" Said Marinette's Mom.

"Yes! Mari!! We have some great news!" Replied Marinette's Dad.

"Oh! Ok. What is it?" Asked Marinette

"Your favorite fashion designer wanted to thank you for being with Adrian through that stressful time. He hired you to be their fashion designer!" Announced Marinette's Dad.

Marinette couldn't hold in her excitement. She was so happy she practically squealed!

"Eeeeee!"shouted Marinette .

"Wow. Quiet down. Adrian is here to give you the designs. I'll call him up." Replied Marinette's Mom.

"Haha. Ok." Laughed Marinette.

"Let's go honey. He'll be up soon." Replied Marinette's Mom.
Marinette's Dad followed her Mom out of the trap door.

"Hey, I hope being our fashion designer is ok. I thought I might suggest it." Started Adrian.

"Oh! It's fine!" Replied Marinette getting down from her bed.

"Oh! Ok good. Well these are the designs." Said Adrian handing Marinette papers.

"Oh, thanks. I'll start to work on them." Answered Marinette. "When are they due?" She asked.

"Um, 2 days." Replied Adrian doing his signature, hand behind his head, nervous scratch.

"WHAT?!" Shouted Marinette. "I can't do them in 2 days!" She cried. "Ok! I'll start! Make yourself at home- or you can leave. Up to you!" She said sitting down and grabbing materials to make what he asked.

"Hah. Ok. Also tonight Alya has a sleepover planned. It's me, you, her, Nino- pretty much our whole friend group." Replied Adrian.

"Oh! I forgot. I'll try to finish them today!" Laughed Marinette nervously.

"Ok. I'll be right back." Said Adrian going back to the trap door and going down.

"Um ok." Replied Marinette. She wasn't paying attention. She was trying not to freak out. She had so much to do. It was only 3 pages but it was so detailed. "Ugh!" Cried Marinette. "Tikki. I need help. Could you help me?" She asked.

"I can! What can I do?" Asked Tikki.

"Make it get done in- 3 hours? 1 hour for each page?" Asked Marinette.

"Sure!" Tikki replied.
Tikki did something with her hands and the materials started to slowly, but much faster than it would if she did it, to come together.

"Wow!" Said Marinette really surprised.

"Well it looks like it'll be done soon! I made it so that each one could be done in 10 minutes. The last one I made so you could make with help." Replied Tikki.

"I hope it comes out in great quality." Said Marinette nervously.

"It will." Replied Tikki.

"Good." Said Marinette.

Soon the first 10 minutes were done and the design was done.

"Wow! It's so perfect!" Said Marinette in complete aw.

"Hah." Laughed Tikki.

"Well let me get this off the mannequin then the next one should start." Said Marinette to herself. "This is so freaking perfect!" She said to herself again.

Right as she took the clothes off the mannequin the next materials started to go to work.

"I hope Adrian doesn't come in till I start working on the last one." Said Marinette nervously.

"Oh don't worry. He won't." Replied Tikki.

"Oh good. That would be so freaking scary if he just showed up." Laughed Marinette.

It took a little longer to make this next set of clothes. It only took 2 extra minutes but it still took longer. It was a lot more detailed.

"This is so crazy." Said Marinette amazed.

"You humans are so weird. It's just magic. It's not that hard" Sighed Tikki.

"We're humans." Laughed Marinette as she took the clothes off the mannequin and started working on the last design.

"Ya. You should be able to do magic. But you can't!" Replied Tikki. She was so disappointed in the human race.

"Ugh. I get it. But only people like me and-" Marinette trailed off as the trap door opened, and Tikki flew to a hiding place.

"What? Did I miss-" Adrian trialed off as he saw 2 of the designs where done.
"H-how?" He asked.

"Oh! I just wanted to make sure everything was done super early." Laughed Marinette nervously.

"Wow. You work fast." Replied Adrian in aw.

After they talk while she finishes the last design.

"I'll drive you to the sleepover. It is a surprise after all." Said Adrian grabbing his keys from his pant pocket.

"Um sure." She replied laying the clothes in a pile on her bed.

"Ok I'll race you to the car." Laughed Adrian as he ran down under the trap door.
Marinette raced after him laughing. Her pj's in a bag along with her other stuff she'd needed for the sleepover in the bag as well.

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