Chat- Is you?!

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Marinette grabbed her head with her free hand.

"CHAT'S GOING TO HATE ME!" Cried Marinette.

Marinette tried to push away from Adrian but he pulled her closer. She had tears running down her face.

"Please~" Marinette pleaded.

"If only you knew I was your Chat Noir" Thought Adrian.

"He won't hate you." Replied Adrian. "I bet he would understand our predicament. He seems to be a very understanding guy."

Marinette looked up at Adrian.

"I hope he's right." Thought Marinette. "As long as dream Chat Noir isn't real then I'll be ok."

"Why don't you tell me what happened. What was your dream/nightmare about?" Tried Adrian.

Marinette calmed down enough to tell Adrian all about her nightmare. Adrian seemed mortified that her nightmare Chat would do such a thing.

Adrian hugged Marinette close to him. He tried to soothe her which she didn't fight.

Adrian started to look around Marinette's room. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something black and purple flutter around. Adrian looked over at it and saw it was an akuma.
Adrian pulled Marinette closer. She looked up at him confused.

"This is perfect. If I kiss her her emotions should subside and the akuma will go away." Thought Adrian.

Adrian grabbed Marinette's chin and brought her face closer to his. They stared into each other's eyes. Then Adrian pulled her face to his.
Marinette was shocked but didn't pull away. He was glad she didn't.
Marinette soon decided to his him back and Adrian seemed to take it.

Adrian opened one of his eyes and checked the room. The akuma had left the room.

Monarch place

"Damn my failure of a son! He must have seen the akuma!" Raged Monarch. "Wait- I feel another emotion! This one could be great! Fly away my megakuma. And evilize her!"

The akuma flew from Marinette's home and flew down past her parents bakery. Right Infront of the bakery door was a angry customer. She was fuming with anger.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST MAKE MORE BREAD?!" Shouted the customer at the door.

The Akuma flew into the lady's hairpin.

"Doesn't it just make you angry when others can't make more of what you want?" Asked Monarch.

"Yes" Replied the lady.

"Well- I give you the power to multiply anything!" Declared Monarch.

"Thanks Monarch" Replied the lady.

The girl stood still as black and purple overcame her.

Back at Marinette's place

Marinette suddenly pulled away. Adrian kinda wished she hadn't pulled away. He wondered if she would have pulled away if she knew he was her Chat.

"Chat's-" Marinette started in a whisper. "He's gonna hate me even more..."

"No!" Started Adrian.

"He'll think I'm a cheater. I'm the worst." Cried Marinette.

Adrian went to comfort her but suddenly part of her wall fell. Adrian saw Marinette practically freeze. She opened her mouth but Adrian stopped her.

"I know Chat doesn't see you as a cheater. And he doesn't hate you. I don't hate you. Please forgive me~ princess." Replied Adrian. "PLAGG! CLAWS OUT!"

Adrian's kwamii, Plagg, flew out of a corner. He looked annoyed. He was sucked into Adrian's ring. Then, right Infront of Marinette's eyes, Adrian slowly transformed into Chat Noir. Her Chat Noir. Marinette was speechless. She stared at Adri- Chat for a while. He seemed to just sit there. Suddenly he leaned forward and kissed Marinette. She kissed him back then he pulled away.

"Cataclysm!" Shouted Chat.

He brought his hand down to the cuffs and they rusted then fell off. Chat looked back at Marinette the hoped off her bed and ran out of the hole in the wall.
Marinette sat on her bed in shock. Suddenly the earth beneath her shook. She ended up falling off her bed and onto the floor.

"Mari!" Shouted Tikki.

"I'm.. I'm fine!" Replied Marinette getting up from the floor. "TIKKI- SPOTS ON!"

Marinette transformed and ran out the same way Adri- CHAT! ran out.
She followed Chat as he used his stick to go to the akuma.

Once they got to the scene they saw a ton of- bread?

The supposed Villain was sitting on the ground eating bread. Chat and Ladybug just stood there confused.
Chat looked at Ladybug then back to the villain.

"Um. Hello?" Tried Chat.

"Here take my alukaitized pin." Replied the Villain taking off her hair pin.

The villain threw her hair pin, which Chat didn't catch. The pin fell to the ground and shattered. An akuma flew out of the pin which Ladybug cought in her yo-yo.
The villain became human again and she looked around. She then smiled.

"THANK YOU!!! You're the best Ladybug and Chat noir! Thanks for the bread." Shouted the lady.

The pair looked at each other then Ladybug sighed. She used her magic ladybugs to fix everything but the bread and let the lady continue eating. Ladybug went back to her house and fell asleep as Marinette.

She woke up later as Chat pulled her up and kissed her. She gladly took his kiss and kisses him back.
They laid there for a while only taking breaks to breathe before going back into kissing.

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