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Marinette woke up on a very nice sunny day. She hopped out of bed and then fell on her face.

"Ouch-" she muttered.

Chat laughed. He had just gotten to her window in time to her her faceplant into the group.
Marinette had constructed the window so that Chat was the only one who could get in. He used it all the time.
Chat came over to her and helped her up.

"That looked like a good fall." Laughed Chat.

"Haha." Replied Marinette. "Just because your my boyfriend- doesn't mean you get to laugh at my falling air." She finished lightly kissing Chat then walking out of the room to her Living room.

Chat followed. He sat down in the couch then proceeded to de-transformed.

"Chat!" Shouted Marinette instantly looking away.

"What?! This is somewhere I purrrr-actically  live. Why shouldn't I be able to de-transform?" Asked Chat.

"Because. Everyone~, unless Alya didn't start blogging about it, knows I'm dating you! Alya also knows that you always come over. So if anyone sees you as your... Civilian self, then everyone might know who you are! And-" Marinette was cut off by someone covering her eyes and then kissing her.

Marinette didn't fight against it. She kissed him back moving her hands to the back of his head, her hands lightly grabbing his hair. He soon moved his hands from her face to one on her back and the other on the back of her head.
As much a Marinette dreaded pulling away she had too. She was starving. She pulled away and tried to walk away but ended falling backwards. Chat caught her.

"Wow Princess." Laughed Chat. "Fine I'll transform back." And with that Chat untied what ever blinded her.

Marinette thanked Chat and then told him to sit down on the couch. Chat did that and Marinette disappeared into the kitchen.
Chat grabbed the remote and turned it on.

"There seems to be another attack. Who is it this time? Oh wait- we have some in-tail. Oh false alarm. It was just some druggy. Don't be bemused, it's just the news. I Nadia shamrock, and your watching Paris's news."

"Well that's good?" Asked Chat to himself.

"Heh. Ya I guess it's good... To an extent." Replied someone behind him.

Chat turned around."Marinette?" He asked.

Instead it was Ladybug looking at him.

"Hah. No? Where did you ever get that from?" Ladybug asked nervously.

"Oh so sorry. Why are you here?" Asked Chat.

"Oh to check on you. Also why are you always here?" Replied Ladybug.

Chat didn't answer instead he picked up Ladybug and took her to the door and locked her outside it. He really didn't feel like listening to her. Chat sat back down on the couch and soon Marinette came out. With pancakes. She set it down on the coffee table and then disappeared again. She came back a minute later with stuff to put on the cakes and 2 plates and 2 forks.

She started to make her food and then ate. Chat also began to eat but then remembered something.

"Oh ya! I have this for you! It was in your mailbox." Said Chat handing Marinette a letter.

Marinette opened it and read it.

"Are you sure your ok with me going? This would be going with Adrian somewhere. And only him." Asked Marinette.

"Well, aren't you in love with him?" Asked Chat jokingly.

"I used to be. But he never got the signals. So I gave up. But it's good. We are still great friends." Replied Marinette.

"Oh~ well I say you should go! Sho! Sho!" Replied Chat Noir pushing Marinette out her front door.

Marinette was shoved out her door. She turned to try and knock on the door that Chat had just closed in her face. She wasn't dressed to go out.

"Chat! I can't meet him yet!!" Shouted Marinette. "I'm not really dressed to go out!" She continued. "Chat? Chat?! Great. He left. Welp. Better let myself in."

Marinette bent down and removed a fake rock and pulled a key out of it. She then unlocked the door and put the key and rock back in their place. Then she walked inside to change into a different outfit for the day.

Skip to were Adrian and Marinette meet up in the park.

"Heyyy!" Shouted Marinette running twords the bench that Adrian was sitting on.

"Oh hey!" Replied Adrian doing his signature head scratch.

Marinette walked the rest of the way to him and Adrian stood up.
What they didn't know:
1. Alya was behind them sitting in a bush spying on them with something in her hands.
2. Alya and Nino's little gremlin had the key to that something.
3. Alya started twords them.

While the to friend were busy catching up Alya was trying to casually walk up to them. She got right behind them and quickly snapped something on Marinette's wrist. Then did the same to Adrian's.
They both looked down at their wrists. Then they looked at Alya.
They had to make a weird thing to turn around. Then the little gremlin run up the the couple.

"Alya- why are there cuffs on me and Adrian?" Asked Marinette trying to hide her face as best as she could.

"Oh- I don't know why." Replied Alya.

"Well. Can I please have the key?" Asked Marinette trying not to freak out.

"No! Hehe." Replied Alya's kid.

"Please." Pleaded Marinette.

The kid said no, turned around and started to run. Marinette wanted to chase after him but she knew this would end badly with them. So she just stood there and watched as the kid and the key ran away.
Adrian seemed too stunned to talked. He also just stood there. Alya laughed and then ran after her kid. Nino appeared out of the bushes and ran after his wife and kid, leaving Marinette and Adrian alone.

"I swear if you were apart of your plan," started Marinette turning sharply twords Adrian. Pointing a finger at him and placing it on his chest. "You will not only hear it from me! But from Chaton!" She finished.

Adrian only smirked and grabbed Marinette around her waist.

"Even if I did- I'm not afraid of some cat." Adrian was just toying with Marinette. He didn't realize she felt so strongly about him~ well his other self

"Ugh! This is a disaster! What will Chat think?!" Cried Marinette grabbing her head with both her hands forcing Adrian's hand with hers.

"It's fine. Let's go over to your place?" Asked Adrian trying to reassure Marinette with his other hand.

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