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"Marinette follow me! I have a place for us to hide. Hurry!" Said Adrian grabbing Marinette and running to a trap door.
Adrian opened it and helped Marinette down. He then followed her and lead her down a path.
"Here we should be safe." Said Adrian having Marinette sit down against a wall. Adrian sat down next to her and hugged her close.

"Ahhhh! I shouldn't be allowing this!" Thought Marinette.
"Shout I push away?! But I- I feel so protected. And, I'm feeling tired." She thought.
Her breathing slowed down and she drifted off to sleep.

"She- she fell asleep?!" Thought Adrian.
He was trying not to freak out when he heard water. A ton of it. And screaming.

"AHH! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Yelled people above them.

Water started to seep through the trap door. Slowly more and more water came through. The water started to make its way towards them. Adrian realized that the water would slowly get faster and soon would drown out the area he had made. He picked up Marinette and ran. He soon realized that this wasn't gonna work.

"Hey kid. Looks like you'll need some help. Just say, 'Claws out!' and then you should be able to get her out of here." Said Plagg coming out of his shirt.

"Plagg! Claws out!" Shouted Adrian.
He began to transformed and kept running. He found the end of his tunnel and found the trap door. He pushed it open and water fell onto them. A ton of water fell on them. Adrian grabbed the latter and held on for dear life. Then he tried to climb up. He held Marinette and fought the water. When he finally got out of the tunnel and stood up he was instantly pushed down.
"Ughhh!" Sighed Adrian getting up and jumping on top of a building.
"Wait?! I can jump super high! Ok. First I have to wonder how she's still asleep." Said Adrian out loud.

"Hmm." Moaned Marinette.

"Aww, she's so cute." Thought Adrian.

"Ughh. My- my head!" Moaned Marinette. She opened her eyes and her soul left her body.
"W-who. Are. YOU?!" Shrieked Marinette. She tried to push herself out of his arms but when she looked down she saw the water and decided to stop.

"Oh, I'm- Adr- I mean Chat Noir. The new hero of Paris." Replied Adrian.

"Oh, cute. Why am I the only one  being saved?" Asked Marinette.

"Oh. Um. About that- I- I uhh.. I don't know you were just right there." Answered Chat Noir.

"Ok. Well where is Adrian? Wait. Why am I worried? What am I saying?! Where is he?" Asked Marinette panic slowly seeping through to her expression.

"Oh-oh! He's fine. I made sure. He was next to you and I saved you both. I dropped him off- somewhere safe." Replied Chat Noir.

"Oh- ok well. Can I please be put somewhere I can sleep?" Asked Marinette yawning.

"Oh umm. Yes hang on." Answered Chat Noir. He stood up and went to a building with a flat roof and sat down. He then layed her down. Her head on his lap. He face turned bright red.

"I'm - I'm laying on someone's lap! I don't even know who he is! But I'm so freaking tired. Maybe It won't hurt to fall asleep." Marinette thought to herself. "Why am I so tired all the time?? Ugh this is so bad. Did I not get a good enough sleep? I-' I don't know~" she said to herself then fell asleep.

"Awww. She's so cute. I hope this storm passes soon." Thought Chat Noir.

------ After the storm ------

"Marinette! Where are?!" Yelled Adrian.

"Ugh. Where am I?" Asked Marinette.

"Marinette?! Are you here?!" Asked Adrian.

Marinette sat up and looked around. Chat Noir was nowhere to be seen.
"He must of been a dream. That's so weird." Thought Marinette.

"MARINETTE!" shouted Adrian.

"Over here!" Answered Marinette.
She hadn't looked around but she found out she couldn't move. She was stuck. Her leg was stuck under some debris. "Help! I'm stuck!" She shouted.

Adrian ran over twords her voice.
"I can't believe she was blown off the building! I fell asleep? Then she gets hurt. Then I lose her?! What kind of hero am I?" Asked Adrian to himself.
He found her and started to try and move the debris. It didn't work. So he tried to dig. That worked she was soon free and he helped her walk over to a empty space.

"Your ok! I just woke up. Haha," laughed Marinette awkwardly.

"Yes! Are you ok though? Your leg. It looked like it's very injured." Replied Adrian.

"Oh I'm fine. But we should find other people." Answered Marinette.

"About that-" Replied Adrian. "Um I checked. We're alone on the island."

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