Chapter 2

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Redsun had just finished reporting about their patrol. "All seems good!" Firefern said. Redsun dipped his head and headed to the Warriors den. He had been busy all day and was very tired.
He curled up in his nest and relaxed. "When is the day that I'm supposed to wait for happen?" Redsun muttered. He wished his mother would've told him. He lay there and started to think about Shadowwing. He dearly missed her.
Quiltail, a loner who had joined the Clan, was starting to hang around Redsun. He liked having her around for company.
Once Firefern had come back from the last gathering, she had told Redsun that some of the Clans were recruiting loners because they were low on cats.
Quiltail's original name was Jackie before she decided that she wanted a Warrior name. Ever since she joined the Clan, Redsun and her have become good friends. He wouldn't say close friends, just a cat that's fun to hang around with.
It was dark, and Quiltail had entered the Warrios den to retire for the night and lay down right next to Redsun, where Shadowwing used to sleep. His heart started to ache so much. He missed his mate with his whole heart!
"Redsun, are you ok?" Quiltail asked, her amber eyes burned deep into him. "Oh yes, I'm fine. Just tired," he said. "Ok," Quiltail replied. Redsun layed his head down and closed his eyes. Part of him started to wonder if the she-cat he heard in that dream was actually Quiltail, but it wouldn't make sense for the black kits.
Quiltail is a white she-cat with gray and golden splotches. It was possible, Redsun did have one black spot on his shoulder, so it is possible, but the voice of the she-cat sounded like Shadowwing. Redsun was tired and just decided to brush it off for the moment.

Redsun was up before most cats. He had to lead the dawn patrol. As soon as all the cats gathered for the patrol, they headed out. This time, they were starting from the ShadowClan border. Redsun was still aware of his father and kept an extra eye out for him, but he never showed. He hadn't heard or seen him since Dustleap died.
As they were walking down along the ShadowClan border. He noticed he smelled the scent of a cat, but it didn't smell like they were a Clan cat. "Keep an eye out for any loners," he whispered to his patrol. They all nodded their heads, and they continued on.
"Hey, Redsun! I found a scent trail," Lilyheart pointed out. "Let's go follow it. The rest of the patrol continues on. If we don't find anything or need your help, we'll come find you." He told the patrol.
"Clearsong, you lead the rest of the patrol," Redsun told him. He nodded, and the rest of the patrol continued on. "Ok, Lilyheart, follow that scent!" He said.
The two of them ran until they appeared at a small den inside of the roots of a tree. Redsun slowly walked in and made sure to be careful. There was a piece of prey inside of the hollow along with some herbs.
"It's looks like a cat has been living here," Lilyheart said. Redsun nodded. "Should we wait until they return so then we can chase them off?" Lilyheart asked as she sniffed around the den. "Sure."

The two of them sat there for a long while. "I don't think they're coming," Lilyheart said. She looked half asleep. "Agreed, let's head back," Redsun said, got up from his hiding spot, and Lilyheart and Redsun headed back to camp. "Bummer," she muttered.
Once they finally got back to camp, Redsun went to go find Firefern. He wanted to tell her that they found where that cat was staying.
As he looked around camp, he couldn't find her, so he decided to go ask her father. "Nightsong! Have you seen Firefern?" He asked him. Nightsong paused for a moment, "I think the last time I saw her, she was heading towards the leader's den."
"Ok, thanks." Redsun said. Nightsong nodded and left. Redsun turned around and headed for the leader's den. It was sun high, and it started to get a bit hotter during the day.
As he was climbing the rocks up to the leader's den, he heard Firefern and Squirrelstar talking. He walked up to hear what they were talking about.

"Are you sure that we can't go find Shadowwing and bring her back?"

"No, Firefern, she murdered Dustleap!"

"Ok, yes, we saw her kill him, but she said he was going to kill me to become deputy, and Shadowwing never lies!"

"What's done is done, end of discussion."

"But Squirrelstar-"

"End of discussion! Now out of my den!"


Redsun quickly ran down from the leader's den and waited for Firefern to come out. Once she walked down, she immediately noticed Redsun. "Do you need something?" She asked. "We've located the home of the loner. Should we do anything?" Redsun asked. Firefern paused for a minute before speaking," Take me to the den."

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