Chapter 16

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Firestar was waiting in her den for Shadowwing to come. They were going to talk about the prophecy today and try to figure it out.
She waited silently once she heard the scraping of claws against the stones, and Shadowwing appeared. She slowly came in and sat down right in front of her sister. Shadowwing seemed a bit figity. Her tail would non-stop moving, and she shuffled her paws constantly.
"Are you ok?" She asked Shadowwing. "No, I'm not, I haven't seen Redsun all morning, and they last place a cat saw him was near the edge of camp. I'm worried that the rouges took him so I sent out a patrol to find him." Shadowwing explained quickly, her blue eyes full of worry.
"We can talk about this later if you want to?" Firestar offered. Shadowwing shook her head, "I trust that if he's lost, the patrol will find him."
Firestar smiled, "Let's start!" Shadowwing looked up at her, "the prophecy is 'A new three will make the Clan rise again after a time of trouble, but only if the two can become one again' has Jayfeather come to you about it yet?" She asked.
Firestar shook her head, "No, so we need to figure out whose in this prophecy." Shadowwing stayed quiet for a bit. Firestar tried to think about what the troubling times might be? "When I had first heard the prophecy, I thought it was about me, you, and Redsun, but I'm not sure yet." Shadowwing said. Firestar nodded in agreement.
The two of them stayed silent for a long while. "Maybe it could be someone's kits?" Firestar offered, "Quilltail has yet to have her kits." Shadowwing paused, "You're right. It's most likely someone's kits." Shadowwing confirmed, "I'm also pretty sure that the 'only if two can become one again' part is about me and you. The clan has to have a deputy and a leader who can get along to make the clan rise!"
Firestar smiled and started to lick her chest fur. There was a long pause of silence before Cloudjumper came rushing in. "Cloudjumper were having a meeting!" Shadowwing hissed. "He's fine. He's our brother!" Firestar said, "What do you need to say?"
Cloudjumper took a deep breath, "I'm a father to three healthy kits!" He said proudly. "Congrats, Cloudjumper! What's their names?" Firestar asked, but then she noticed Shadowwings face seemed surprised and full of many thoughts. "Wait, Cloudjumper, did you say three kits?" Shadowwing asked firmly.
Cloudjumper seemed awkward, "y-yes, why is that so important?" Firestar and Shadowwing were silent. "It's nothing. We're just trying to figure out how many cats we have in the clan," Shadowwing said. Cloudjunper smiled, "Ok, do you want to come see them?" Cloudjumper asked.
"Of course! They're kin!" Firestar said happily. On their way over to the nursery, Firestar noticed that Shadowwing was acting skittish. Firestar leaned over to Shadowwing, "Hey, if you're not ok, then you can go back to your den," she said nicely, Shadowwing didn't look ok at all.
"No, no, I need to see these kits!" Shadowwing said like she had her mind made up years ago. They slipped into the nursery and her mewing coming from the far corner of the nursery. There sat Quilltail. She had three new kits, very small and humble.
Firestar smiled. It felt nice to look at their cute little faces. "So what are their names?" Firestar asked gently. "Orchidkit, Daisykit, and Tulipkit," Quilltail said softly, "I named them after my mother's favorite flowers since they're all she-cats."
Shadowwing smiled slightly and walked out. Firestar figured that she needed to go rest. She was very figity. "May StarClan guide them on their journey to becoming a warrior!" Firestar said happily and quietly crept out of the nursery.
She turned around and headed back to her den, but before she did, she went to go find Shadowwing.

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