Chapter 8

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All day, Redsun had been ignoring Quilltail. She was getting to close to him and he couldn't let her. His heart still belonged to Shadowwing no matter what happened.
Redsun was on his way to go hunting once he realized Jayfeather talking to a shadows and then going into the Medicine den.
"He's so old that he's going crazy!" Redsun muttered. Redsun made his way to his patrol. Some of them were collecting water, while the other half was still hunting.
Green-leaf has been here for a couple if moons and it was already really hot. The Clan also wasn't having much luck with prey recently. "When will Leaf-fall come!"

And when will that thing come that my mother told me to wait for! What is it?

Redsun rolled his eyes as he continued on into the forest. Cloudjumper and Quilltail had joined his patrol and they were being really loud. "Will you guys hush! Yall are going to scare all the prey away," he hissed at them.
The rest of the patrol agreed with him. As they continued on, it was pretty quite. Redsun spotted a squirrel and went into a hunter's crouch, he lunged at it a snapped its neck.
"Good catch Redsun!" Quilltail cheered. Redsun smiled nervously. She was making it to much of a deal that he had caught some prey. Redsun rolled his eyes and continued on with the patrol.

For majority of the patrol, Quilltail gave Redsun a bunch of side glances. She obviously wanted to tell him something, but she didn't know how.
Once they got back to camp, Quilltail ran over to him. Redsun noticed that she was oddly plum. "Hey Redsun, can we go talk in private! I really need to tell you something important." Her brown gaze looked deep into him.
He nodded and they headed out of camp. Once they got to a quiet spot, they sat down and stayed quiet for a bit before Quilltail finally spoke, "I'm expecting kits."
Redsun froze, surely those weren't his kits. He couldn't father them. "I know what your thinking Redsun. In sure your exited and all, but they're not your kits. They're Cloudjumpers." She admitted.
Redsun sighed. "Thanks StarClan!" He muttered. "I know how much you loved me, but you ignored me and Cloudjumper stared to care for me, so I'm moving into the nursery and I'm going to be mates with Cloudjumper!" She said proudly.
Redsun glared at her, "Good, because we were never mates." Quilltail stared at him confused. "We weren't?" She asked. "Yeah, we were never mates." Redsun cleared. "Oh, uh.., I'm sorry for wasting your time," Quilltail said and quickly left.
"Great StarClan she's gone!" He said happily. She wasn't bad, she's just annoying and his heart still belonged to Shadowwing.

Redsun was laying in the Warriors den trying to fall asleep, but he found it hard. He lay there for awhile before he could finally fall asleep. He awoke in the stary medow again.
"Mother?" He called out. Her white and red pelt appeared. "Yes, I am here," she said. Redsun quickly ran up and gave her a quickly lick on her muzzle. "It's so good to see you!" He said happily. His mother smiled at him, but her soft silver gaze turned serious within seconds.
"Redsun I need you to listen closely, a new prophecy is coming. You are going to have to work as hard as you can to protect these knew prophecy cats! You need to trust in the shadows for they will find you new light!" She said as she slowly faded away.
"Wait! What? What do you mean? Is that the prophecy?" He asked. His mother shook her head softly, "it soon will be revealed, but for now you have to trust in the shadows! The time is upon you!" She called out and disappeared.

Wait! Does that mean that the thing she was talking about is finally coming?

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