Chapter 15

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Redsun had just finished talking to Shadowwing about Silverlake. She's still asleep, but she will live. Most of her kin were worried sick about her once they found out in the morning.
A nice warm breeze flew through the air, making Redsun's red pelt fluff up. He started to groom his pelt once something had caught his attention.
He stopped and looked closely at a dark figure. He padded slowly towards the dark figure. He was standing right on the edge of the ThunderClan camp.
Redsun continued to look closely at it until he smelled a scent.

Mouse-dung! It's Rowanpelt!

Redsun quickly turned around to run away once something latched on to his leg and nocked him down. He was then pulled out of camp and was being dragged.
"Hey! You let go of me, you peice of mouse-dung!" He spat, clawing and hissing at the cats that were taking him away. He could hardly see his father at the front of the group.
Redsun tried clawing at a cat before he hit his head on a rock and fell unconscious.

Redsun woke up feeling drowsy. His head ached, and everything seemed to be spinning in circles.
Once Redsun tried to focus his vision. He realized that he was no longer in ThunderClan camp, but in ShadowClan! Redsun tried to stand up but collapsed. His muscles were sore and hurt to walk on.
Redsun sat angirly, unable to do anything. A gray Tom cat then walked into the den. "Who are you, and why am I here?" Redsun asked. The medicine cat started to do stuff with his herbs before giving a glance at Redsun.
"Are you going to answer me or just look at me!" He hissed. The tom cat finished what he was doing, picked up the herbs, headed over to Redsun, and started to inspect his head where he was hit by the rock.
"My name is Shadowsight. Listen, I know who you are and what's going on, but you need to be careful and quiet." He said and started to rub some herbs into the cut on his head. Redsun nodded and listened.
"Tigerstar is sick, and your father is deputy. He's been making the Clan do stupid things! Since he's in control of the Clan now, he knew that it would be a good time to take you and make you stay here forever," Shadowsight whispered.
Redsun was stunned. He didn't know how to feel about his father until now. He felt hatred and anger that in the time of his Clans needs, he would kidnap his son that he hardly knew instead of taking care of his clan.
"Your father also recruited a whole gang of rouges, and no cat knows why. They just live here and be lazy all day!" Shadowsight complained. Redsun felt really ashamed that Rowanpelt was his father.
"Anyways, you won't be able to escape, you've hurt your legs pretty badly while being dragged, you have a cut in your head that needs to heal and if you leave anytime soon I'm sure you father will cause a war just to get you back!" Shadowsight warned.
Redsun stayed quiet, unsure what to do or say. He knew that Shadowwing would come to find him sooner or later, and Firestar would do anything in her power to help him, maybe. Redsun didn't quiet know what was going on between him a Firestar. Somedays, they seemed like friends, but then other days, they wanted to claw each other's throats out.
Redsun shrugged, feeling down. He decided to try and get some rest if he was going to escape. He would need a lot of energy.

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