Chapter 23

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Shadowwing was standing right in front of Rowanpelt. She was protecting Redsun from him. She had already chased off a bunch of cats, and Rowanpelt would be another one of them.
"Runaway now! Make your clan leave before I claw you pelt off!" Shadowwing hissed at Rowanpelt. "Shadowwing, I can fight him. You dont have to do it for me," Redsun pleaded. Shadowing ignored him.
"Move along! Redsun belongs to ShadowClan!" He hissed and lunged for her. Shadowwing moved out of the way and clawed his back. He screeched in pain and looked even more frustrated. Shadowwing smirked, "I warned you!"
Rowanpelt screeched and lunged at her once more but tripped on a stone. Shadowwing jumped on top of him and hissed in his face. He tried to claw her but failed. "Call back, you cats, and leave!" She spat. "Never, we will fight until we get Redsun," he hissed and tried to wiggle free.
Shadowwing looked at him, disgusted, "This fight is pointless. Many of your warriors are getting hurt just so that you can have your son that you abandoned to die!" She spat in his face.
Rowanpelt seemed lost for words. Redsun was watching from a distance. "Recall your warriors or else I'll kill you, and then they'll leave," she told him. Rowanpelt sighed, "Fine." Shadowwing let him get up, and he looked around at the cats before yowling for their attention.
"This fight is over! We're going home," he yowled, and the fighting broke up. Shadowwing nodded and turned around to walk to Redsun. His eyes were calm but then flashed to horror. "Shadowwing! Behind you!" He screeched.
Shadowwing turned around and saw Rowanpelt lunge at her and slash her side. She fell over and onto her side. Shocked by pain, she was hardly able to keep conscious.
She heard Redsun screech and claw at something. Everything went dark and black. She saw Hollyleaf appear. "Am I dead?" Shadowwing started to freak out. Hollyleaf shook her head. "The prophecy cats will be upon us soon. Be ready," she whispered and faded away.

Shadowwing found herself in the Medicine den. It was quiet and early in the morning. She peaked out of the medicine and found Redsun talking to some cats. It looked like he was sorting out patrols for her. She smiled and turned to look at the cut on her side.
Shadowwing noticed that she looked a little plum. "Er...I need to cut down on eating," she mumbled to herself. Alderheart and Jayfeather came out from the back of the Medicine den. "You're awake! That's amazing. How are you feeling?" Alderheart said happily.
Shadowwing grunted, "My side is sore, and I feel heavy," she complained. Jayfeather started to grab some herbs. "Yea, you've been out for some days. I'm sure you're hungry to be asleep for so long and those kits you'll have to feed." Alderheart said as he went to go grab the herbs from Jayfeather.
"Kits? What do you mean?" Shadowwing asked. Alderheart and Jayfeather both turned to look at her. "You don't know? Redsun offered to take on your duties since your expecting kits," Jayfeather explained.
Shadowwing froze. This had to be some joke, but then she remembered what Hollyleaf said. "The prophecy cats will be upon us soon," she mumbled to herself.
Jayfeather and Alderheart turned to look at her again. "So you know about the prophecy to?"

{Well, that's the end of the book! Stay tuned for the next book!!!}

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