Chapter 6

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Shadowwing was very annoyed. "Why did I have to run I to Redsun out of all cats. You sure like to make my life miserable, StarClan!" She spat.
She walked around in circles in her den. "When will they send me these vision? How long will I have to wait to return to ThunderClan? What will this new prophecy be about?" Shadowwing continued to go on with a bunch of questions. She could feel herself slowly going insane.
The sun was setting, and Shadowwing decided to go hunt. She walked out of her den and looked for a place to start hunting at. Once she found a nice spot in ThunderClan territory, she immediately started to listen for any sounds of prey. As she waited, she realized that she could hear squeaks coming from a small hole in the ground.
A little vole popped out, and Shadowwing got ready to lunge at it. She waited for it just to come close enough, and she quickly lunged at it and snapped its neck. "Great!" She went to go pick up her vole. Then she started to hear whispers again.

It's those voices again!

Shadowwing started heading back to her den. On her way, she continued to hear the voices, and it started to annoy her. Once she got inside her den and set down her prey, she saw a flash of light and was sucked into a vision. She saw herself running as fast as she could towards ThunderClan territory. All the trees' leaves were red and orange. It was night, and Shadowwing could constantly hear whispers saying, "Trust in the shadows for they will find you knew light."
She watched as she ran through the woods and busted into camp, but then a flash of light came, and she was back in her den. She blinked a couple of times, trying to make sure it wasn't a dream.
"Trust in the shadows for they will find you knew light?" Shadowwing whispered to herself. "What is that supposed to mean?"
Shadowwing sighed and finished up her vole. She lay down in her den feeling lonely until sleep claimed her.

Shadowwing was trying to figure out the vision. She remembered that she was running through the forest and the leaves were orange. So that meant that it was leaf-fall.
It was also late at night. So that was more  information, but what about why she's running back? She needs a reason or something. "Trust in the shadows for they will find you knew light? What is that supposed to mean? Ugh!" Shadowwing spat, she was very annoyed.
Shadowwing sat down and stared out of her den, "So I know that I need to return in Leaf-fall. That's only a couple of moons away. So, not that long," she muttered.
She wondered how everyone would react once she returned. Shadowwing figured that most of them would be mad, scared, and confused. Some might be happy that's she's back!
"Honestly, I don't want to wait, " Shadowwing said as she looked up at the sky. "I'm doing this because you want me to StarClan! I'm also doing it for my clan!" Shadowwing tried to tell herself, but she wasn't really sure if she was really doing it for her clan!
Shadowwing got bored and decided to go on a walk before she left she made sure to cover her fur in herbs so that no cat would smell her.

I kind of want to see what's going on in camp, "she thought as she snuck into the shadows, headed towards camp.

Shadowwing was kind of curious to see how Cricket was doing. She's had to have her kits by now. She wanted to know what she had named them, too.
There were plenty of shadows that Shadowwing snuck along. She had seen a couple of cats on her way into camp. "How am I going to get in?" She muttered.
She got an idea to enter through the dirtplace. There was a huge tree that over hung from it that would give her enough shade to sneak into camp.
As she snuck in, she noticed that most cats were in their dens. It was pretty hot out in the sun now that it's Green-leaf.
Shadowwing slowly snuck over to the nursery. She just wanted to get a peak inside to check on Cricket and her mother. Once she was close enough, she looked over a bit and stared to listen to the Queens talking.
"So, Cricketflight, do you think that Sunkit will be the biggest out of your litter?" She heard spotfur ask.
"Totally, at this rate, he'll be bigger than the average apprentices, and he's only a moon old!" Shadowwing could hear Cricketflight fussing about.

I didn't know that Cricket became Cricketflight?

Shadowwing stayed completely still and continued to listen.
"So Sandheart, do you think Firefern will ever want kit?" She heard one queen ask.
"No, I talked to Firefern about it one time, and she said that she would never fall in love and have kits. Her only goal is to become leader and serve her Clan," Sandheart said sadly, "I was really hoping she would. Cloudjumper also isn't interested in kits."
Shadowwing felt really bad for her mother.
"What about Shadowwing? I know she wanted kits. She's also mates with Redsun, right?" Cricketflight had brought up.
All the Queens went silent, and Sandheart only looked more sad. Sandheart started to cry, "Oh my baby, she was so perfect and smart! I don't think she would ever murder a cat for no reason! I really do believe that she was trying to protect her sister like she claimed!" Sandheart cried.
Shadowwing really wanted to walk into the nursery and comfort her mother and tell her that she would be back later, but she still had to wait at least a couple more moons before she could see her again.
She lowered her head and went to go leave camp once Jayfeather stopped her, "What are you doing here?"

Warriors: A force between two, The new light.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang