Chapter 13

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Firestar was standing in front of Shadowwing and Redsun. They were talking about some prophecy.

How dare they talk about a prophecy before talking to me!

"So? What about this 'prophecy' you guys are talking about," she said sarcastically. "Firestar, I tried to tell you, but you snapped at me!" Shadowwing said, trying to hold her anger in. "You did none such!" She snapped back.
Shadowwings fur started to rise, and she let out a low growl. "Firestar, I tried to tell!"It's over! Just tell me whatever lies of a prophecy you came up with!" She interupeted her.
The three cats stood in silence for a moment before Shadowwing finally spoke. "I had a vision last night. In the vision, there were words that were repeated over and over as I saw flashes of three cats. It said 'A new three will make the Clan rise again after a time of trouble, but only if the two can become one again' and I think a might know a bit about what it's saying!" Shadowwing explained.
"I believe it the end means that me and you need to become sister again!" Shadowwing said hopefully.
Firesyar rolled her eyes, "you obviously make up a fake prophecy, so then I'll stop ignoring you!" Firestar snapped.
"That's not true! Stop being blind. StarClan said trust in the shadows, for they will find you new light! Firestar, I am the shadows, and I'm supposed to help our clan rise in the darkest hour!" She cried.
Firestar turned her head and headed towards her den. "You peice of fox-dung!" Shadowwing spat, her eyes were full of hatred.
Firestar ignored her and crawled back to her den. Firestar lay down in her nest and slowly fell asleep.
She found herself in a stary medow, and she waited for a StarClan warrior to appear. She saw the dark ginger pelt of Squirrelstar as she appeared.
"Good, so do yall have a prophecy for me?" She asked excitedly. Firestar noticed that Squirrelstar didn't look happy. "Firestar, we gave you a prophecy through another warrior! We told you to trust in the shadows, for they will find you knew light, but you're not letting the shadows show to guide you." Squirrelstar said firmly.
Firestar stood still, "b-but I thought she was lying!" Firestar protested. "We sent her!" Squirrelstar said. Firestar felt really bad deep down.
Squirrelstar sighed, "The prophecy that Shadowwing is telling you is true. You need to listen to your sister and become one again," Squirrelstar pleaded, "it's for the sake of our clan!"
Firestar nodded, "I understand." Squirrelstar smiled and slowly faded away until all Firestar could see were the stars from her pelt.
Firestar was jolted awake. She quickly looked around her den and realized that it was sunset. Firestar found herself a bit hungry and decided to go get some prey.
Once she stepped out of her den, she noticed that most cats were gathered around sharing tongues and prey. Firestar felt lonely because she had messed up with her friends.
She quietly picked up some prey to eat and headed her way back up to her den once she noticed Sandheart and Nightsong. Her parents were looking at her, and she went down to join them.
She sat down by them and said nothing. "Firestar, are you ok? You look upset," Sandheart said, Nightaong nodded in agreement. Firestar looked up at Shadowwing and noticed that she was giving her a hostile glare.
"I messed up big time between Shadowwing and I," Firestar explained. "It's ok. When Sparkpelt and I were kits, we got into fights all the time! Eventually, we forgave each other and were back to being sisters again," Sandheart explained.
Firestar sighed, "Look at Shadowwing! She looks like she wants to claw my pelt off!" She said. Nighgsong turned to look at Shadowwing and quickly looked away.
"Yea, she looks mad. What did you do to make her so mad?" Nightsong whispered. Firestar looked down and shuffled her paws, "I've might have claimed that she was lying to me," she admitted.
"No wonder she's mad! She hates it when cats claim that she's lying," Nightsong said as he rolled his eye. Firestar glared at him, and he looked away.
Sandheart laughed a little, "You need to go say that you're sorry and explain yourself," Sandheart said firmly. Firestar gulped and nodded. "I can do this!" Firestar told herself

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