Chapter 7

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Firefern was sorting out patrols once a group of cats came rushing into camp, Firefern noticed that it was Nightsongs patrol. She quickly ran over to see what was going on.
The patrol had a cat with them. She could smell that they weren't clan. "Move out of the way," she told them. All the cats obeyed. "We found him in our territory, hunting." Nightsong whispered into her ear. Firefern nodded.
She turned to face the gray Tom. Firefern noticed that the cat was half-blind. She started to inspect him to see if he was attacked recently. "I'm fine! I was born half-blind," he snapped.
Firefern was a little taken back. "Oh, uh, what are you doing in ThunderClan territory?" She asked the tom. He looked down at his paws and shuffled them. "My name is Shatterpa- I mean Shatter, my name is Shatter! I was hunting for food. I'm sorry I was unaware of your clan," he explained. Firefern could tell that something was off about this cat.
"Could you tell your warriors not to claw my pelt!" Shatter snapped. She did notice some scratch marks on his side.
"Wait a second, how do you know that they're called warriors if you're a loner? You're a clan cat! I know it," Firefern said.
Shatter looked down at his paws once more, "No, no, I'm not from a Clan, I just uh.., heard that's what they called another." Shatter said.
Firefern inspected him, not quite sure what to do about him. "Put him in the spare den for now," Firefern said and jestured with her tail. Nightsong nodded and escorted him to a spare den, "Keep watch over him!"
As all the cats settled back down into their dens, Firefern made her way up to the leader's den. On her way up there, she heard Squirrelstar let out a spazm of coughing.
Deep down, Firefern knew that Squirrelstar's time was coming to an end, but she didn't want it to. Once she arrived at the top, she slowly crept into Squirrelstar's den.
"Squirrelstar?" Firefern whispered. "Yes?" Came a faint reply. "We have an intruder, they clam that they're only a loner, but I'm pretty sure that they're from a Clan," Firefern said calmly, she didn't want Squirrelstar to worry to much.
Squirrelstar sat up and waited a couple of seconds. Her green gaze looked helpless and tired. "Has he caused any trouble?" She asked. Firefern shook her head, "he was caught hunting on our territory and said he was sorry and that he didn't know about the Clan."
Squirrelstar slowly nodded, "you can set him free. Just make sure he leaves the territory and give him a warning not to come back, or it will be worse next time."
Firefern nodded and headed out of her den. Firefern went and found Nightsong and told him about what Squirrelstar said. He gathered a patrol, and they headed off with Shatter.
Redsun arrived back with a patrol and prodded up to Firefern. "What was that about?" He asked. "He was caught stealing prey. They're sending him back now," Firefern cleared. Redsun nodded and walked away.

It was late at night, and Firefern was out on vigil. She wasn't really tired, so she offered to do it. As she watched and guarded the camp, she got bored very easily.

This job is impossible!

As she sat and watched, she wondered what Shadowwing was up to. Fireferb was still mad at her, and if she said they're not sister anymore, then they're not sisters, but she was still curious about how she's living out of the Clans now.
Honestly, Firefern wanted to have a face off with Shadowwing so that she could prove that she's better than Shadowwing. The more she thought about it, she kind of hoped that Shadowwing would return once she was leader so then she could shove it in her sister face, then she would be jealous.
Firefern started to think who she would pick if she became leader.

I want to pick someone I'm close enough to. I could do Cloudjumper, but he's too idiotic. Redsun would probably be my best bet.

As much as she knew that he was her best bet, she honestly didn't want to pick him. Deep down, she was still hurt by his betrayal, but she always shoved it aside for her Clan. She couldn't let relationship problems get in her way of becoming a leader.
Firefern shook her head, "I'll never ever be able to love again."

{Shatter belongs to maudeabreu02 ! You should go follow her and read her stories!!!}

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