Chapter 11

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"I need to become deputy!" Shadowwing said as she was panting. She had run a long way to come to camp.
Everycat turned to look at her with hostility. "How dare you return to ThunderClan you murder!" A cat spat.
"Quiet! It's StarClans will!" She hissed. Firefern looked so shocked. "I'm leader now Shadowwing," Firestar said. So it confirmed that she was leader.
"Trust me when I say thaf I didn't kill Dustleap for no reason! He was going to kill Firefer- I mean Firestar to become deputy!" Shadowwing explained. "That's what you said last time," Firestar said.
"How can I prove to you that it's StarClans will?" Shadowwing asked. Firestar paused for a minute. "Say something that only StarClan would've told me to prove that your supposed to become deputy," she said with a smirk.
Shadowwing turned to Jayfeather before she spoke, hoping that he would bake her up if Firestar didn't believe her. "Trust in the shadows for the will find you knew light!" She said loud enough for the whole clan to hear.
Firestar froze and her green gaze looked shocked. Shadowwing also noticed that Redsun looked shocked. Had he known about it too? "It's true Firestar! StarClan told me exactly what she had said." Jayfeather said, trying to back her up.
Firestar stepped back a bit. "If it is StarClans will and that proved that it is, then you shall become deputy" Firestar said calmly
She stepped forward a bit before starting the ritual, "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve. The new deputy of ThunderClan is Shadowwing." Firestar said calmly. Nobody congratulated her, but instead gave her hostile glares and murmured.
Shadowwing slowly stepped towards Firestar, she needed to talk to her about this new prophecy. Firestar walked into her den and quickly followed behind her.
"Firefer-star, there's a new prophecy!" She said. "Shadowwing, I swear on StarClans sake that if your lying about this to just get back into the Clan so help me!" She spat in her face.
Shadowwing was so taken back by her sudden hastily that she was frozen. Shadowwing could feel the anger and pain rise. Her ears suddenly felt hot and she wanted to claw all of Firestars nine lives away.
"Fine! If you don't want to listen to me then that's fine! Just to let you know, your Clan is going to die without my help!" She spat at her.
Shadowwing stormed out of the leader's den and stood in the center of camp. Nobody would even come near her besides the Queens. Shadowwing kind of felt odd, because only the queens would talk to her.
"Shadowwing, why don't you come sleep with us for the first night," Spotfur offered. Shadowwing smiled and followed her. Once she came in and settled down by her mother, she had to ask the queens a question, "why are you being so nice to me?" She asked desperately.
All the Queens looked at each other, "sweetheart, we all know that you never meant to kill Dustleap. We all can see that you were trying to save your sister." Spotfur said. All the Queens nodded beside one queens she didn't recognize.
"We could all tell that you were being truthful when you were saying that you only killed him to save Firestar, because you never lie about things like that and when you were a kit, you always had a look in your eyes when you lied," Sandheart explained.
"Thank you so much! I knew that yall believed in me ever since I was little!" Shadowwing said. "Shadowwwing, I always knew that you were speacial ever since StarClan gifted you to me," Sandheart said softly.
Shadowwing rested her head on her mother once she hear footsteps approaching, she lifted her head to see who it was and Redsun stood at the entrance of the nursery. "Can I talk to Shadowwing please?" He asked calmly. Shadowwing felt a bit nervous, but got up to go talk to him.
"Follow me," he told her quietly. The two of them headed out to camp and went to their usual spot by the lake. The two of then sat down and didn't talk. They both just stared at each other for a bit, not knowing what to say.
"Shadowwing I still love you, I never liked Quilltail, she's with your brother, Cloudjumper," he cleared. Shadowwings eyes started to fill with tears. She had missed Redsun so much and they were finally back together.
A nice breeze flew through the air and Shadowwing could feel one tear fall down her face. Redsun gently put his paw on her paw and the voices appeared again and she started to get a little dizzy.
"A new three will make the Clan rise again after a time of trouble, but only if the two can become one again," the voices said and the continued to repeat.
Shadowwing suddenly started to see flashes of cats and suddenly everything went dark and all she could hear was: "Shadowwing! Shadowwing are you ok?"

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