Chapter 14

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Shadowwing noticed that Firestar started to approach her. Shadowwing glared at her. She didn't know what Firestar would do or say.
The bright orange she-cat sat in front of her, and her green eyes burned deep into her. "Shadowwing, I'm sorry. I was being a jerk and blinded by my own rage," Firestar explained.
Shadowwing could see the hurt in her sisters eyes and tell that she was being truthful. Shadowwing sat up and smiled at her, "it's ok, I understand the pain I caused you," Shadowwing apologized, but deep down, she wasn't apologizing since she really had done nothing wrong.
Firestar awkwardly smiled. "Let's talk about this prophecy tomorrow. Is that ok?" She asked. Shadowwing nodded, and Firestar padded off.

Well, that was weird! She never randomly apologized. StarClan most likely talked to her and told her that I wasn't lying.

Shadowwing finished her thrush and went to go sleep in the Warriors den. Once she got there, she found Redsun already there and lay next to him. She slowly started to drift into sleep once she heard the whispering.

What do they want now! Are they going to send another vision?

But they didn't. For a long while, Shadowwing couldn't fall asleep because all she was hearing was the whispers, and it was driving her insane.
"I can't even tell what they're saying!" Shadowwing muttered. She sat in frustration, and her tail started to swish back and forth.
"Shadowwing, stop hitting me with your tail," Redsun said sleepily. Shadowwing relaxed her tail and tried to make out the voices. All she could hear was a bunch of voices speaking at once. She rolled her eyes, "does StarClan have no better way of communicating things with me!"
Shadowwing lay down in her nest once she heard a screech from outside the den. She quickly ran out of the den and found Silverlake lying down on the ground where she was on her vigil.
"Silverlake, are you ok!" She cried. She inspected her old apprentice for wounds and found a gash on her side.
Alderheart came running out of the medicine den with herbs. "She's got a gash on her side!" Shadowwing explained. More cats came outside of their den to see what all the commotion was.
Shadowwing noticed that some cats were giving her hostile glares, and they thought that Shadowwing had attacked her! Firestar came down from her den. "What's going on out here?" She asked. "I was in the Warriors den and heard a screech, so I ran out of the den and found Silverlake wounded," Shadowwing explained calmly. She didn't want other cats to get the wrong idea.
Firestar nodded. "We can ask her what happened once she woke up." Shadowwing dipped her head, and most cats made their way back to their dens. "I'm going to inspect real quick," Shadowwing told Firestar. "I'll join you," she replied.
The two of them looked around the entrance and scanned for any sort of cat or creature once Shadowwing noticed that the voices had left. As she sniffed around and noticed a scent.
"Firestar, I found a scent," she meowed, and Firestar quickly ran over to Shadowwing. She sniffed around before confirming, "That's a group of rouges."
Shadowwing had a sicking feeling in her stomach. "We don't need more trouble!" She spat. As she continued to sniff around, she noticed the scent of Rowanpelt amongst them.

Fox-dung! Has Rowanpelt brought a whole pack of Rouges just to get Redsun back?

She continued to inspect around the scents but saw no paw prints. It almost seemed like they vanished.
Firestar and Shadowwing discussed sending out more patrols in the morning to look for these cats. "I'll keep watch now," Shadowwing told Firestar, "Ok, be careful." Shadowwing could sense that Firestar felt a bit awkward around Shadowwing.
Now Shadowwing sat alone in the warm night. It was nice and quiet, she enjoyed it. She listened to every sound and movement and stayed alert for more cats.

Maybe they attacked Silverlake to give us a warning. Whatever they want, I'll be ready!

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