Chapter 7

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AXEL! XANDER! FABI!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs

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AXEL! XANDER! FABI!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"We are coming, just wait a minute!" I hear Axel yelling from his room.

We decided it was a good idea to go out to a zoo, to spend time with the whole family since it was good weather and it was officially summer break so I had to make and arrange activities for us.

One thing I knew is that my brothers are going to make fun of me by looking like a monkey or gorilla.

I was ready waiting for them in my suit that I was wearing and I knew that they were going to look at me like I lost my mind.

"We are here" Axel and Xander come downstairs ready and looking comfortable.

Me and the boys were talking out our problems except Xander was keeping stuff from me but eventually we are going to work on it.

Axel and I were the same but lately he was trying his best to be better.

Fabi was behaving a lot better after Ilana came to talk to her. She seemed to distance herself from her so called friends and made two friends, I had no problem with it until I heard it was a boy.

"Li at least he doesn't smoke" FABI says a little annoyed.

When she said she made new friends that didn't include that little cunts, we were happy but when she said a boy and a girl. I lost it.

"What's his name again?" Axel says a little annoyed. "And what grade?"

"None of your business" Fabi shoots him a look.
"At least I don't snuck out of the class to fuck someone" she adds

"Fabi come on" I yell without any patience. "Five minutes or I'll leave without you"

I turn to see Axel and Xander sitting quietly on the sofa with their phones in their hands.

"Li! I think I'm dying" Fabi yells clearly from her room. "I have blood everywhere!"

My head turns to my brothers before I make a sprint towards her room. What the hell blood?

"Fabi!" I yelled running towards her room worried. I swing her door open. Her room was neatly done except her vanity but at this moment I couldn't care.

I was about to open her bathroom door but it was locked.

"Fabi, are you able to open the door?" I said to her as I was about to break the door. Axel and Xander standing outside worried as well with two guards behind them ready to kill the person.

"No, I have blood between my legs and you don't want to see it" she cries. "It's disgusting"

I hated bloods for a fact but no one knew because I could hide it for.

"Your blood is not disgusting" I say.
"Can you call Ilana, please?" She asks between cries

Is this some girl problem?

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