Chapter 10.

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"See you later." I say to my siblings as they close the door of the car.

Last week of school that meant finals starts next week and that means I had to focus on their studying as well so they do their best.

"Bye!" Fabi yells before she walked away with Axel and Xander.

They are growing fast and damn I'm going miss the days where fabi still was a baby and Axel that didn't want to take his nap.

I didn't realise that I became older after the age of 14, but that isn't important because I had a good childhood.

I wish our parents would've been here to see their little ones growing. I should continue with the plan I have in my mind, it's not going to help if I delay it every single time.

I just need to get inside the house of the Alessi's and find the file, nothing more nothing else.

I can't even imagine me being together with Ilana. She's just Leonardo's daughter and her father is responsible for my parents death.

But back to my plan, I have to know where she is so I can make a little surprise for her.


Where are you

Why do you ask

Answer my question first and then I'll answer yours


I completly ignore her question and toss my phone next to me and begin to drive towards her campus. It wasnt that far from the kids their school so it will take roughly ten minutes.

My phone began to ring and watch on the dashboard who it was but I leave my phone on the seat since Fabiola  her bus accident with her class in it.

The moment I heard it my heart stopped for solid an hour until I knew she was breathing and talking to me, I couldn't call her since she didn't had a phone and the teachers weren't saying anything about the sitioun.

"Where is she?" I demand the guard that was supposed to pick up Fabi from school after she went to a school excursion.

"They said at first that they co-"

"Where is she?" i demand again as I feel my heart in my throat, I cant't tell the boys about the acident.

"They transfererend her body to Manchester or Birmingham"

"You prepare the jet right now!" I yell at the guard that stood in front of door. God please dont let anything happen to my sister.

"Look into every hospital and see if she is registered there" I tell to my man and don't tell anything to the guards at home" Iadd before I end the phone call.

Even though it was over an year, she is scared till hell.

"Yes" I accept the call as I stood still with my g-wagon in front of a traffic light.

"Boss the shipments arrived at the port but the officer laid a hand on it " I feel a headache coming towards me at this point.

"Pay him ten grand." I say frustrated before ending the call not wanting to talk to anyone right now.

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