chapter 14

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i was just chiling in the kitchen making some toast when i heard someone come inside. huh thats weird, nobody said that they left. or maybe they did let me check. i check the gc and nobody said that they were leaving. so i waited until they were in the living room so i could turn around and see who it is.

when they got in my view i turned around to see who it was. oh my god. oh. my. god. it was isaac, but not just isaac. it was isaac and a girl. a really pretty girl. they were smiling and laughing. they were even holding hands. holding. hands. isaac was in our living room holding hands with a random girl.

that made my blood boil, i dropped everything i was doing, grabbed my phone, and went upstairs as quick as could. i was so angry i just wanted to be alone. my room seemed so far away even though i was going as fast as i could to get there.

when i got to my room i semi slammed the door cause i didn't want to be too loud but i was still angry. i just sat in my room thinking. i dont think there is ever a time when im in my room not thinking. specfically thinking about isaac. well shit this might as well be isaacs room now.

my mind was racing from one thought to another. whos this girl? how does he know her? why would he do those things with me, then walk into our shared house with another girl? why am i thinking about isaac and another girl? why does this make me angry? do i like isaac?

i stopped all of my thoughts right there. that one question had the power to stop everything else in my head. i mean of course the answer is no. why would the answer be yes? this is so stupid of me. of course i dont like him, we just hated eachother like a few weeks ago. i need to stop thinking

somehow i had successfully shut my brain off and i was just staring blankly at my wall. i heard the faint noise of isaacs laugh, followed by a girls laugh. then the laughs progressively got louder. i could tell isaacs laugh wasn't fake and hers didnt seem fake either, but god, her laugh is gorgeous. i didn't know a laugh could be gorgeous, but hers is somehow.

i decided to be a little bold, well atleast for me, cause no one except for isaac, would know what the meaning of what im about to tweet is. i hopped on twitter and started to right a new tweet, i wanted to make it obvious to isaac what i was talking about but also make it seem like a joke to our fans.

coraline:)- groupchat house -2/10 its so noisy people wont shut up

i think that tweet wasn't the greatest but i got the point across just how i wanted to. in about a minute or two i get a notfication that someone liked my tweet. i only have my notifications to go off when my friends like a tweet. so im assuming one of the guys likde my tweet. 

isaac had liked my tweet. he saw it right away. and he liked it. he knew what i was talking about. i needed to get out of this house. so i texted my brother that i was taking a drive cause i just needed to be alone, he said ok and to be safe. obviously i took his car cause i dont have one.

when i got into the garage so i could open the garage door, i see isaacs car parked in there, thats weird, he is usually in the drive way not the garage. i walked past it after i opened the garage door and i may or may not have taken a quick little peak at what was in his car.

there was a bath and body works bag in the back seat. i was able to see inside of the bag. it was filled with perfume, in the scent 'in the stars'. there was a name written on the bag 'emmy'. your joking. so first she has a basic white bitch name, then she uses my fucking bath and body works scent. isaac knows my scent, and he was obviously with her when she got it. fucking emmy flemmy.

i was so fucking done at this point. i hope he thought about me when she bought that perfume. i got into the car and connected my phone, i went to click on my sad playlist so i could be in my feels but i saw something. somebody had been active about a hour or two hour on my taylor swift playlist. my taylor swift playlist isnt public. its just shared between me and isaac. no way. this motherfucker had listened to my playlist. my. mfing. playlist. with another bitch in his car. i also hope he thought about me again when he played that playlist.

i put on my sad playlist and started to back out of the driveway. when i got out of our neighborhood it was about 4pm. i just drove around till i found some backroads. backroads are my favorite roads to drive on, cause i can speed a little, let out my emotions, and there is hardly anyone on these roads. the speed limit was about 30 mph but i said yolo and was doing about 60

dont worry im not a bad driver i wont crash, i know how to speed properly. i kept getting notifications so i put my phone on do not disturb. let me be sad in peace. i ended up somewhere outside of austin but i found this really pretty flower field, it wasnt very big but it was still pretty. it was about 7pm when i got there so the sun was setting so it was perfect.

yumi of course doesn't have any blankets in his car so i just sat on the grass in the flower field and watched the sunset. i didn't watch the sun fully set but it set enough for my liking. i figured i should probably go back to the house now. i looked up how to get back to the house and it was only an hour drive. you would think the drive would be longer than that since i left the house at 4 and got to the flower field by 7. but to be honest i was just doing circles around backroads in a neighborhood before i actually went somewhere.

i had listened to about three different sad playlists, but they were the only playlists i wanted to listen to. when i got home it was around 8:15pm. i pulled in the driveway and opened the garage door. isaacs car wasn't in there so i took his spot. hes probably taking emmy back to her shithole. 

i grabbed the keys and my phone, since they were the only thing i brought on the drive, and i started to head inside. when i got inside everyone was sitting on the couch looking all worried except for isaac, well i mean that makes sense since isaacs car wasnt in the garage he obviously wasnt here.

when they heard me come in they immediately got up and ran to me. they all engulfed me in a big group hug. "um hello?" i said cause i was very confused. "we were so worried" said nick. "we didn't know where you were." tanner said. "you were gone for so long." said larry. "you didn't answer anyones texts or calls" said my brother.

oh shit, my bad. i guess i shouldn't of put my phone on do not disturb. "sorry, my phone was on do not disturb, i just wanted to go on a peaceful drive. yumi i literally texted you that." i said trying to explain myself. "coraline a peaceful drive is usually 30 minutes not 4 hours, you scared all of us. its literally dark right now." my brother said.

"i know i know, and im sorry. im fine you guys can all go back to your room." i said. they all hugged me one by one, then went up to their rooms. i chilled on the couch since everyone was upstairs. isaac then come home he was walking to his room but the he turned and said "oh look they found you, what a big surprise" could he be any more sarcastic? like disrespectfully shut the fuck up.

"ok skank, learn how to be a good person for one fucking day then talk to me" i said, i was not putting up with any shit from isaacwhy right now. dude is literally a penguin, embarrassing for him. 

a/n- woo woo another chapter done.

dont be mad at me again but the book is called enemies for a reason, love you lots. and yes i did steal "emmy flemmy" from StripedThighHighs so thanks pookie

have a great day!!

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