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Charlee was worried that Iain wasn't going to wake up. He was still in the coma. She was scared. She knew how he hadn't listened when she had told him to get checked out.

She didn't blame him. She knew that things were hard that day. There were a lot of people hurt. And a lot happening. And Charlee knew how Iain would want to help everyone else.

It's why she loved him. He wanted to help so many people which made her love him. And she would always love him. Despite how things weren't always easy.

She had barely left the hospital since Iain had been admitted. She was scared that if she left, he would die. And she didn't want that. The only time she did leave the hospital was when someone was sitting with Iain.

She was scared of losing him. Iain had been her rock through her hardest times and she couldn't lose him. He had been there for her and she was thankful. She felt as though he was her one constant support.

Charlee felt as though if she lost Iain. She would lose her soulmate. And that was one thing she didn't want.

All she knew was that things were hard for her. And she just didn't know how she dealt with it all.

Morning came and she woke in bed. Cal had stayed with Iain the night before. She had stayed with Ella. She rolled over in bed and sighed.

She looked up as the door opened. Ella walked in. She smiled. "Cal text. There's been no news on Iain. But they're confident that he's going to wake up," she told her.

Charlee sighed. She didn't know why. But that didn't fill her with hope. She just knew that things were hard for her. "I don't think he's going to wake up. I'm just... I'm scared of it all," she said.

"I know. But it's going to be okay. He will wake up," Ella said as she took her hand.

Charlee wasn't sure. She had to keep it all to herself.

Charlee went into work. The first place she went was to see Iain. She saw him lying there. Cal was with him. "Any news?" She asked.

"They're going to try and bring him out the coma tonight. They're hopeful he'll be okay," Cal said as he looked to her.

Charlee took his hand. She sighed. "Please wake up. I can't live without you," she whispered in his ear.

Charlee was sitting in the staffroom. Connie walked in and smiled. "Hey. ICU have said 6pm is when they're going to try and bring him out of the coma," she told her.

Charlee nodded and sighed. She wasn't sure he would wake up. She had a deep fear that wouldn't go away.

Connie took her hand. "Look at me. Whatever happens, you're not alone. Okay? You are my daughter. And I am on your side," she said.

Charlee walked into Iain's room. She looked to see Ella there. Ella took her hand. But was this the moment Iain would wake up? Or had Charlee lost him?

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