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Charlee had been staying with Connie since the truth of the attack had came out. Charlee sat in her old room and sighed. Charlee didn't feel safe in her flat. She was scared that josh was going to do something to her. Charlee knew that she needed to go to the police but she was scared. There was a knock at the door and Charlee smiled as Connie walked in. Connie walked over and sat next to Charlee as she handed her a coffee. Charlee took a sip of it and smiled "thanks" Charlee said as she ran a hand through her phone. She looked as her phone rang off of the side and sighed as she saw Iain it was Iain calling her. She knew how worried that he had been but she couldn't talk to him not yet "he loves you, he's worried about you. He just wants to be there for you" Connie said as she sat next to Charlee on the bed.

"I know but I feel as though he is babying me and I don't need it, I just wanted him to help me move past it and I know that Iain is going to do something. He's going to get angry and do something to josh, I know him and I know he will lash out" Charlee said as Connie looked to her and smiled "it's not your fault what happened, but Iain loves you and don't loose him over what josh did to you, it's what he'll want" Connie said as Charlee looked to her and nodded "he can't get away with what he did to you, have you thought over going to the police over what he did" Connie asked as Charlee looked to her and nodded "I know, I'm just scared" Charlee said as Connie wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled "your not alone in this don't worry" Connie said.


Later that day, Charlee sat in the car with Iain as he drove her to the pickiest station. He looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on top of hers and smiled "you can do this" he said as she nodded and looked to the station and sighed "I'm scared Iain, what if this goes to court?" She asked as Iain smiled "then we'll do it together, I'm by your side no matter what" Iain said as Charlee looked to him and smiled "come with me" she asked as he nodded. Charlee walked into the police station with Iain as he took a hold of her hand "if like to report a crime, a rape" Charlee said feeling petrified as Iain looked to her and smiled.


Later that day, Charlee got back to the ED as she stood in connies office. She looked to see the police walk in as they walked over to josh and arrested him as Charlee fought back tears as Connie placed a hand on Charlee shoulder and smiled "are you okay love?" She asked "I will be" Charlee said as she walked out of the office as everyone looked to josh as Iain walked over to him "your not going to get away with this, your going to pay for what you did" he said as josh looked to him and smirked "Iain" Charlee called as Iain walked over to her and hugged her and held her close as josh was lead off little did Charlee know this wasn't quite the end of all.

Always here (Casualty)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora