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Charlee sighed as she sat getting ready for work. She was worried over iain. He wasn't himself at all and she was worried over what was going on with him. She felt as if he didn't want to know her after what had happened with Eddie especially now the court case was coming up. He was becoming more and more distant towards her and she was scared as she didn't know what to do. Charlee walked down into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Iain. She looked to him and smiled as she walked over to him "is everything okay, it's all a mess over Eddie and what happened and if you don't want me anymore just tell me" she said as he looked to her and frowned "what? Why wouldn't I want you Charlee. I love you, you are my world and I love you and I know it's a mess but I am here for you and were going to get through this" he said

Charlee looked to him and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she sighed "I don't know if I can do it. Court, stand up in front of everyone and tell them what he did to me I am not strong enough" she said as he looked to her and frowned. He walked over to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "you can, your strong and you can do it. I know that you can, I believe in you and it's all going to be okay as your going to tell them what Eddie did and how he threatened you and how scared that you were and he is going to be locked away. He isn't going to get away with it. I promise" Iain said as Charlee looked to her and smiled


Charlee got to work and sat in the staffroom and it was all too much. Ella walked into the room and frowned as she looked to Charlee "are you okay" Ella asked as Charlee sighed  "I don't know, I'm scared el. I have to go to court in a week and I'm so scared. I don't know if I can do it" she said as she started to cry. Ella walked over and sat next to her as she wrapped an arm around her and smiled "I know, I know that you are scared but I'm your sister and I am here for you and it's all going to be okay. I promise you, I know it doesn't seem it but it will. I am here for you and I know that you are going to get through this" Ella said as Charlee looked to her and smiled


Charlee walked out of the ED and into the car park and frowned to herself as she saw Iain as he was placed into the back of a police car. Charlee frowned "Charlee I didn't do it I swear" he yelled as she looked to him and frowned. She couldn't believe he had been arrested and knew she wasn't strong enough to be there for him As well as herself

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