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Charlee walked into the kitchen and smiled. She had iains paramedic top on. She looked to him and smiled as she walked into the room. He looked to her and smiled

"hey, are you okay" he asked as she walked over to him and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck as she leant in and kissed him

"I'm good, last night was amazing and I know it's ages since we had sex. We use to have a good sex life but it was the right time and I know that you have been a lot trying to be strong for me and I'm grateful" charlee said as Iain looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"of course I'd do it for you, I love you and I'd do it all over again" Iain said. Charlee looked to him and smiled as he kissed her. Charlee looked to Iain and smiled

"I know that you have been through a lot but let me there for you, don't push me away. I love you" charlee said as Iain looked to her and smiled

"I know I love you too and it's going to be oaky, we're going to get back on track with us, when your ready I thought that we could try for a baby" Iain said as charlee frowned

"really?" She asked as Iain looked to her and smiled

"Yeah, Ella and cal are having a baby and I know that they didn't pain it but I want us to. After all you have been through. After the crash and everything I thought we could plan for a future and have a baby" Iain said as charlee looked to him and smirked.

He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up onto the table as he leant in and kissed her.

Charlee moaned into the kiss "so how soon were you thinking of waiting before trying" she asked as he ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her close as they kissed passionately

"as soon as your ready and of your not ready yet then we can always practice trying for a baby" Iain said as charlee looked to him and smirked. Charlee didn't know if she was quite ready to try for a baby after what had happened but she knew that she did want to have a baby

"soon. We can have one soon but not yet" she said as he nodded. He pulled her close and smirked as her hands went into his boxers and started to tease him. Charlee smirked as he groaned against her.

She pulled her hand away as he pulled her close, he lifted up the top that she was wearing as he pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her

Charlee got to work and smiled as she walked into the staffroom as she saw Ella and cal. Ella looked to her and smiled as cal walked out of the room. Ella walked over to charlee and smirked "so how is everything" Ella asked as charlee looked to her sister and smiled

"they're good I mean me and Iain are in a good place, don't get me wrong I know that he is struggling and I know that he had depression even if he hasn't told me but he is looking to the future. He says that he wants to try for a baby but I'm just not quite ready for a baby. I want to get our relationship back before that, he means a lot to me and I can't loose him" charlee said as Ella looked to her and smiled

"I know, he has been through a lot but with Iain being the way he is. It's easier to get Iain the help he needs and you, your not over what eddie did to you and you both need to move on and find way to move on and be happy as you are both made for each other" ells said as charlee looked to her and smiled

"I know, I know that your right, it's just harder than I thought" charlee said as Ella looked to her and smiled "I know but it will be okay" Ella said

Charlee sighed to herself as she stood by reception as Iain walked over to she and smiled "are you okay" Iain asked as charlee sighed

"I have been thinking over going to counselling , together, I know you have depression Iain and I want us to try get back to normal" charlee said as Iain looked to her and nodded

"for us, for you I will do anything" he said as he leant in and kissed her. Charlee looked to him and smiled hoping she and Iain could fix the damaged parts that had become them

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