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Charlee stood in the reception of the police station. She had just bailed Iain out. She was annoyed at him for what he had done for Losing his temper and getting arrested. She couldn't believe that he had done that. She looked to Iain as he bailed out and looked to her and smiled. He walked over to her and hugged her

"your a complete idiot Iain dean" she said as he smiled

"I know and I'm sorry" he said as charlee looked to him and smiled

"come on" charlee said as she walked out of the police station as he followed her. They walked into the car park as she got in the car. He sat next to her and sighed as neither of them said a word

"I'm sorry" he said as she looked to him and nodded

"I know, you have said that but it doesn't make it okay, I'm still angry at you but I am worried about you. I know that you haven't been yourself but I am scared. I am scared for you as I still need you I still have to go to court over eddie and you can't be there for me if you are locked him, you need some help Iain for your anger" charlee said as Iain looked to her and smiled

"I know, I know I have let you down but I promise this won't happen again, I am going no where and I am going to be by your side when it comes to eddie and making him pay for what he did. He hurt you, your my girlfriend and I never saw how he almost broke you and I hare it. But I swear that when he is sentenced I am going to be right by your side and holding your hand. You need me and I won't go anywhere I promise" Iain said as charlee looked to him with tears in her eyes and mixed.

She was scared and she knew how she needed to be strong, she needed to be strong because of she couldn't let eddie get away with what he had done to her but now she was finding herself getting more and more worried over Iain and his mental state. Charlee smiled as Iain pulled her into a hug and smiled

"it's all going to be okay I promise" Iain said as she looked to him and smiled. She hoped that he was right


Charlee stood in the staffroom as she stood on the phone. She frowned as she stood against the lockers as she hung up the phone. She could feel the tears in her eyes as Ella walked in and frowned as she looked to her sister

"what is It?" Ella asked as charlee looked to her and sighed "eddie, he was sentenced. He got five years. Five years for what he did to me, I jut can't believe it" she said as Ella wales over to her and hugged her and smiled

"I know it sucks but he is paying for what he did and I hope he suffers inside but he can't hurt you anymore" Ella said as charlee looked to her and smiled. Charlee felt relieved that it was all over and she felt that she could finally move on with her life but she knew that he had taken something from her which had destroyed her and she knew that she would never get it back and she hated that because of him and what he had done to her that she would never be the same person again


Charlee got to iains and smiled "I heard about eddie, I know it should of been more. I should of been there when you got the call" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close "well maybe you can be here for me now" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Iain kissed her back as charlee kissed him passionately. Her hands went to his belt as Iain pulled away and looked to her and frowned

"are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm ready, I want to" she said

"come on" Iain said as he lead her to the bedroom as they undressed. She climbed onto top he bed as he got on top of her as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately. She moaned as she felt him push into her. Charlee knew she snd iain had sex loads of time but this was a big desk it was the first time since the attack since they had.

Charlee dug her nails and moaned as he started to move in and out of her. But would they be okay now that eddie was lock away or was iains mental health about to effect them?

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