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Charlee walked into the ambulance bay and smiled as she saw Iain. He had his back to her. Charlee had been discharged since the crash. She knew that she had been through a lot with josh and what he had done. She knew that Iain had stood by her and been her rock in the past few months but Charlee thought that it would all be over and now she knew that it wasn't. She knew he was arrested but she also knew how she had to stand court. She also knew that Iain was struggling since the crash and that he wasn't himself. Charlee just wanted them to go back to how it was before josh but she knew that she couldn't. Part of her knew that they would never get back to how they were before. But she also knew hat they were strong and that they could overcome anything as long as they were together

Charlee walked over to Iain and placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to jump. He looked to see Charlee and sighed "are you okay" she asked as he looked to her and nodded "I'm just overthinking everything, over what you have been through and the crash. I didn't mean to let you down" he said as she looked to him and frowned. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled "you didn't let me down, your the one that had picked me up, you have been my rock and it's going to be okay. I love you and I know that your struggling from the crash, but I am here. I promise that I am not going anywhere" she said as Iain looked i her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her "no one this is your fault okay, do you hear me?" She asked as he looked i her and nodded


Charlee sat in the staffroom and smiled as Connie walked in. Connie walked into the staffroom and looked to Charlee and smiled. She walked over and sat next to her "how are you?" She asked her daughter as Charlee ran her hands through her hair and looked to Connie "I'm okay I guess, I'm just worried over Iain" Charlee said as Connie looked to her and smiled "you have been through a lot and I hate knowing what to be of my staff did to my daughter but one thing I have learnt is how much Iain loves you and how strong that you are together. You need to stick together now and move forward or josh had won and that the last thing you need" Connie said as Charlee looked to her and smiled


Charlee walked into the ambulance bay and looked to see Iain. He was sitting in the back of an empty ambulance. She walked over and sat next to him and took a hold of his hand and smiled "I'm worried about you" "I'm fine" he said as she looked to him and shock her head "no, your not but that's okay. I'm here for you just don't push me away" she said as he looked to her and smiled as she pulled him into a hui and smiled. Little did Charlee know that they were about to hit another obstacle but could they overcome it together?

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