Chapter 4 (2)

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"No, that wasn't the purpose of the visit, but it was nice to get those snapshots." He stopped smiling and his tone was serious as he said, "I came to apologise. I never meant to hurt you." He took his mug to the sink and rinsed it. He did it automatically, as if he was comfortable in her company. Grace thought he looked so at home as he glanced around for a tea towel. Grace handed him the floral cotton sheet that hung on a peg by the door. It seemed such a natural thing to do. She felt part of a contradictory dilemma, nervous of him and natural with him.

"You've apologised." She reminded him, as she backed away again, putting distance between them.

He had his back to her as he placed the cup back in the cupboard he'd seen her get the mugs from earlier, "And I came to ask for a favour." He squared his shoulders, she noticed the action and braced herself for the words she knew were to come. His shirt stretched and she found herself focussing on his broad back. Waiting, waiting. Joshua wasn't aware of her reaction, he was too busy preparing himself for one of the biggest gambles of his life. Silently and mentally he ran through his plan of action again and then he turned to face her. 

From the look on his face, she could tell that he was having difficulty saying what he had to say. She decided to help him out, "Like keep out of your way." She responded softly, "I'm a quick learner." she added when he still hadn't spoken. "That shouldn't be too hard." Briefly she held his stare, and then nerves took over, "I don't usually make such an ass of myself, but around you I seem to be making a habit of it," She knew she was rambling, but the way he was looking at her made her loose track. She walked over to the sink, the pretence of washing up her cup did nothing to stop her babbling. "It's ok. Normally, I'm quite well behaved." She rinsed the cup. "I know you don't think so, but I was invited to your party, so I came. It was a mistake. I won't be repeating it." She put the clean cup on the drainer, and turned to face him. He was watching her intently. So she rattled on, "So, yes, I should be able to keep out of your way. You should have just phoned, I...."

"Grace." He interrupted her and his tone had made her freeze in mid action. "Would you come to a River boat party with me?"

She was rendered speechless for a few seconds. His lips quirked at her. She looked bewildered. She gradually got over the shock, closed her mouth, and pulled together some degree of composure, but her eyes remained puzzled. Was he having her on? She looked directly into his eyes. He looked straight back. Sanguine jade eyes met and held suspicious deep brown eyes. Her forehead furrowed, "What?"

"Will you come to a party with me?"


He couldn't really be asking her out, could he? No, no, that was impossible. The last thing he'd want. Go out with her? Fat chance. No, there was something else behind this. But what? Some plan to get even? No. Her mind raced on and on as she thought about his unexpected question. Why was he asking her out? He came to stand in front of her. 

"I'd like to get to know you." He made it sound plausible. Almost conceivable, but, not probable enough. She recalled the party, and instantly she was incensed.

"Get real." She stormed, when her over sensitive brain had assured her that this was about as likely as a whale walking across a desert. "A week ago I was a flea infested termite as far as you and your friends were concerned. Come to think of it, you'd have preferred a termite." She worked hard to get herself back in control. "It would have been less work dealing with a termite. Instead of trying to throw me out you could have simply stamped on me." She banked her fury as she added unhappily. "Come to think of it, you did." She took a deep breath as she fought for composure. "I'm not that gullible." She stepped past him and headed for the tea towel, muttering angrily, "Stupid may be, but my memory is pretty good."

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