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Two months later Grace stopped working at the University. They had decided to live in Auckland. She had her head pillowed on his chest and a leg thrown across his thighs. It was a familiar state. "Grace?" He mumbled into her hair as he feathered his fingers through the silky strands. Her reply was distracted. He smiled. "You didn't get mad." She tipped her head back to look up at him. "When you saw Lysette in my arms." He reminded. "You didn't get mad."

"Mmm." She settled back down again, rubbing her cheek against his chest.

"How come?"

"What?" She murmured nuzzling contentedly, burying her nose in the light sprinkling of chest hair.

"You didn't get angry?"

"You love me." Her lips moved to within a hair's breath of his distended nipples.

"That's it?"

"I trust you." She muttered into his neck as she inched up his body, "Should I have got mad?"

"No." He nuzzled her forehead.

"Why did she ask you to dance?"

"How did you know she asked me?"

She grinned impishly. "I didn't until now."

His chest shook as he laughed softly, the action started tiny tremors in her own body. "She thanked me."

Grace lifted her head off his chest, "What for?" "Telling her to work things out with Craig." "Mmm, he's a nice guy."
"Oh he is, is he?"

"Yup. Very nice. And thoughtful."

"That's why you were having a very quiet chat with him in the corner, was it?" He tweaked her hair. "Because he is a thoughtful, nice guy?" She shook her head. "No?" He rolled her onto her back and pinned her arms above her head. His eyes waiting for her reply. "I think you'd better clarify the situation." He was half sprawled over her and their bodies were mutually stimulating the other to rapid arousal.

Grace giggled. "Why?"

"Because I'm your husband." He growled with pseudo menace.

"I'm pregnant." She announced and watched the teasing lights, in the green depths of his eyes, disappear. They were replaced with shock, followed by awe, then complete delight.

He suddenly went still, then he gingerly levered himself off her. "You're pregnant?" She nodded. "We're pregnant." It was a whisper

of confirmation. She grinned at him. "Pregnant." He whooped loudly, then pulled her into his arms and smothered her in a fierce bear hug before releasing the embrace sufficiently to give her a sound kiss. "Thank you." He crushed her to him again. "I'm going to be a dad."

He began kissing her, questioning her, squeezing her, randomly inter- spaced as he got all the details.

"I'm three months. I thought with the accident and everything that my periods were out of kilter, but in reality I was pregnant!"

His hand went to her waist and he caressed her tenderly, "Our baby in there. A honeymoon baby. God, we are efficient."

"I know." She smiled and reached for his head. Pulling him down toward her. A tough baby. A baby who'd been on the ride of their young life, two months ago. "I thought we could tell mom and dad tomorrow. I was itching to tell you all night."

"I shouldn't have pushed you to organise this party." A great party. "At your age you should be taking things easy."

"At my age?" she cuffed his chin gently. "I'm not past it yet." He frowned, "How do you feel? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." She giggled. "Now don't you want to know what Craig and I were talking about?"

"No, not at the moment. You always try and change the subject to deflect a conversation." He whispered as his fingers began to touch her intimately, gently roving past her navel. "You love me, that's all I need to know." He kissed her navel, before saying in tones of awe, "We are going to have a baby."

"We were discussing a joint wedding anniversary party for our parents," she gasped, as his fingers moved lower, "aaahh." She explained breathlessly. "It's a surprise."

"A baby." He murmured. "Our baby." His lips met hers as his hand stroked her stomach.

"Josh you weren't listening."

"Yes, I was. A party. Anniversary party." He reiterated just before he kissed her. "I'm going to be a father." Then he groaned as her words registered. "You are not organising anything, not in your condition."

Grace winked. "Yes I am." She feathered kisses over his face, smiling as she went.

"Grace." He took her face in his hands. "Let's discuss this logically." She rolled on top of him, smiling happily. "Tomorrow." 

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