Chapter 17 (2)

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A car screeched into view. It careered around the car park and came to a halt directly in front of her. Another large man got out. Grace forced herself not to cower.

"That's the one?" He demanded. Her assailant nodded. "You asked her?"

"What for? It's her. I know the photo." What photo thought Grace as she was hauled to her feet.

"Ask her." The other man ordered.

"What's your name?"

Grace wondered whether she should tell him. She didn't have a chance to decide. He slapped her hard across the face. Grace fell back to the ground.

"Tell him, or I'll let him fuckin beat the shit out of you."

"Grace Carvalho." She stated quietly from her prone position on the ground. Once again she was hauled to her feet and shoved against the car.

"Get into the boot." He ordered. Grace balked. "Get in, or he'll put you in, bit by friggin bit."

Gingerly Grace got into the boot of her car. Who were they? What did they want with her?

"Keys?" Asked the man in the other car. "In the ignition." He was told.
"Close the boot. Let's get out of here." 

Grace was in shock. This could not be happening to her. They didn't mean to lock her in the boot of her car. They couldn't. Why was this happening to her? Why? Who were they?

"Keep your head down." She was told but she doubted whether he cared if she followed his order, for he slammed the boot down. She lay on her side, scrunched into a foetal position, her knees pulled tight to her chest. She could hear them talking. Hear their muffled voices. Then nothing. She heard the other car drive off.

Her heart began to beat more normally. Close. They'd gone. She thought about screaming for help. Surely someone would hear her. If only security were watching this car park camera, they might have seen screen shots of what happened. She prayed someone had seen what had happened. Please come and get me. Please.

Plan B was to wait for people to arrive in the car park. She'd wait until she heard someone close, then she'd start calling for help. No point shouting herself hoarse if they were too far away. Wait, she told herself, wait. Just take it easy, breathe, take it easy.

All her musings were a waste of time when the car ignition signaled at least one of the men was still around. He put the car into gear and backed the car out of the car park. Grace was ready to cry. So much for her plans. Frustration vied with terror. What was going on? Why was she being kidnapped?

Joshua was still about fifteen minutes out of Hamilton, but, by his reckoning Grace should be at her office by now. He punched her number into his mobile. The phone rang for a few seconds before it was answered.

"Grace?" He barked before anyone could say anything.
"Er, Goodmorning, women's studies." Said the startled female voice.

Shit. Her phone wasstill through to reception. "Has Dr D'melllo arrived?"

"No, but we are expecting her." He was told.

"Is that Sheena?" He queried, not certain whether the phone was patched through to the general office or the reception desk.

"Yes." The voice at the other end replied, "Is that Joshua?"

"Yes. Look, Sheena, she should be there by now. I followed as soon as I got the message."

"She might have gone home."

"She said she needed to be there by 9 and she wouldn't have time to get to the cottage. Her father has gone there in any case."

"Oh." Sheena wasn't sure what to suggest. She was the one who had taken the police message and passed it on. They'd said not to worry. He was unlikely to follow Grace. He wasn't that stupid.

"I'll phone Ben. He should be there by now. Could you check with security, her car should be parked on site?" Joshua was hoping she had stopped in town to pick up breakfast, may be. "I'll call back in a few minutes.

He phoned Ben. She wasn't at the cottage. Ben had just arrived. She hadn't been there. There was no sign of her.

"Call the police." Joshua told Ben. Then he phoned Sheena straight back. The phone was engaged. He tried a few minutes later, just as he was getting into the main drag of Hamilton. The traffic slowed him up. Eventually his call was answered.

"Sheena? Any news?"

"No. Her car isn't here. But a security guy said he thought he saw her car pull into the car park when he was watching the screens. The car parks are monitored, but the shots are on a cycle. He thinks she arrived. But her car isn't on any screen now. They are replaying the tapes for that camera."

"Shit." Joshua knew she was in trouble. He could feel it. Hold on Grace. Hold on.

"They are going to call me back."

"I'll get off the phone then. Here's my mobile number" He dictated the number. "Call me." 

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