Chapter 10 (2)

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"What about the baby?" That was a last minute desperate shot. If she cared that much about love and marriage the chances were that she was equally straight about babies born in wedlock.

"What baby?" She hissed. "It was only one night."

"That's all it takes." He informed her in mockingly supercilious tones, "Or don't they teach you that in women's studies?"

"I'll take my chances." Glaring she turned to march away.

"Not with my baby you won't." Large hands returned to clamp down on her shoulders and once again he halted her progress.

"You arrogant.."

"Spare me the adjectives," he said in weariness, "I remember most of the ones you've used before. Just take it as said." He shook her gently, "My child will know and be with both parents."

"There might not be a child." She tried one more time to force him to see reason.

"I'm not taking any chances." He stated firmly, "We are getting married, end of story."

"Why don't we wait and see if I am pregnant? I'll get a kit, do the test?" Why was she making excuses, of course there wasn't a baby. She didn't need to prolong this. She knew he'd take the responsibility angle, knew he would try to badger her. And she'd thought she'd settled this that morning on her back door step. Just go along with it. Her subconscious nagged her.

"They aren't a hundred percent." He replied, suddenly realising that she was capitulating, slightly. There was a window of light.

"If I don't get my period then I will look at my options." Damn but she'd only just finished her period during the week preceding the boat party. It would be a long wait. But she wasn't pregnant. She knew it, she just knew it.


"I'll see a doctor." She shouted as she pushed ineffectually at his chest.

"We get engaged. If there is no child we can break it off."

"Forget it." There was no way she was getting engaged. Engaged to him? Did he think she was made of stone?

"We get engaged, if you're pregnant we get married within the month, if not we break it off after a reasonable period of time."

"No." She retorted flatly. "I'll see a doctor." This was ridiculous, she had no intention of marrying anyone just because of a one night stand.

"Stop being unreasonable." He pushed bravely, "I'm giving you choices. "

"Choices?" She snapped and the irritation she felt at being backed into a corner was loud and clear in the word. "My child will not grow up in a home where the parents can't stand each other."Although she'd said the words firmly Grace was torn. She wanted him in her life, even if it was for a short time. She wanted him. But not because he felt obliged, she wanted him to want her. Unconditionally.

"You're mistaken Grace," The words were measured and quietly spoken, "if that were the case we wouldn't have made love."

She didn't answer that challenge, what could she say? He was right.

"Decide Grace." He pressed her, almost as if he could read her mind, see the indecision. She was wavering. "We get engaged." He kissed her lightly, pushing home his advantage. He knew his kisses rattled her and he needed to keep her on the back foot. Another light kiss.

Her rational mind lost out, "O.k." She whispered the word she had no intention of saying out aloud. Instantly Joshua hauled her to him and kissed her long, deep and hard. She was speechless as they walked back into view of her rather anxious parents. What had she just done? 

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