28 - "Cousins"

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Gene's funeral had been extremely rough for all in attendance

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Gene's funeral had been extremely rough for all in attendance. He was put in a closed glass casket for everyone to see. On all four ends of the casket were gold angel ornaments. His custom all white outfit was tailor made perfectly for his body. Laying on top of him with his arms crossed over it, was his teddy bear Mr. Pickles.

No pictures of the body were allowed to be taken or was any part of the funeral to be live streamed. It was a private funeral and Ember and Dalton wanted to respect the parents. Lotus had still been catatonic during the funeral service and Ty'kerah had been off her medication. So she wasn't much help going too for advice.

Kutu, Noelle's niece had sung at the funeral. A lot of songs were old songs Gene loved. Even though Kutu had a beautiful singing voice, she couldn't get through most of the songs because she was constantly crying. The crying from the adults added on to her own sorrow as well. 

Cilia and Allele attended but left the kids with Ophelia. They didn't want them to witness a baby laying dead in a casket. White Locus and Mark also found a baby sitter and came out to support as well.

Even Keshawn and Breeze came out, but they stayed way at the back, hidden.

It had been an extremely sad experience. Now it was a few days later. 

Noelle's eyes fluttered open at 4:30 in the morning. It was habitual these last few days to wake up at random odd hours in the morning. Lotus's unusual sleep pattern had now become her sleep pattern as of late. 

It wasn't out of the ordinary when Noelle turned on the lamp beside her and saw the right side of the bed was empty. Yawning, she tossed the covers off her and stood.

The doctor had kept his promise and when two weeks had passed and Lotus still had not broken out of his stupor; he returned and started giving him 1-2mg of Lorazepam every four to twelve hours via intravenous. Within days he was mobile and moving around a lot. But he still didn't react to anything, anyone or talk.

He only moved from one room to the next to stare at nothing.

Noelle, clad in a walnut brown silk robe, got up and went into the connecting bathroom to release her bladder. She decided to brush her teeth as well because this was most likely about to be the start of her day. There would be no going back to sleep for right now.

Noelle exited the bedroom and checked guest rooms along the way. Lotus wasn't in any. She checked his office and when he wasn't in there either, she took the grand staircase and went downstairs.

She immediately noticed the difference in temperature. It was freezing. She folded her arms across herself. Lotus must've manually changed the central air downstairs, because the entire house was usually set on one temperature.

As she walked down the long hallway, she could hear the soft sounds of music. It sounded like Old Soul. She was right when she entered the living room and saw Lotus standing in the middle of the room. The curtains were open so he was being illuminated by the blue water from his backyard pool. The water reflected itself and his shadow on the walls.

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