32 - "The Royals"

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Lotus stood in an open field

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Lotus stood in an open field. There was nothing for miles but green grass, blue skies and white clouds. Not a building, a road, a traffic light or a person in sight.

He was so confused on where he was and how he got here, but oddly, he wasn't panicked or concerned. He couldn't explain why he wasn't—he just wasn't. Strangely he knew he was okay. In fact, he felt at peace. The temperature of the air felt perfect, the grass so soft his feet felt like it was melting into the earth. It was then he noticed how extraordinarily tall the trees were. They seemed to stand over ten feet tall. It was unnatural, but it still didn't alarm him.

He began to walk straight ahead, listening to birds chirp although he couldn't see any. Everything was so bright and vivid. He knew he should've been patting himself down for a cellphone to try and call for help, but he wasn't worried about it. He wanted to explore the open fields.

Lotus had never seen any place like this and he'd travelled the world. He wondered where he was right now. He heard a child's laughter and he stopped to look around. It sounded as if it was echoing from the clouds.

He looked up and the clouds were so bright, so blinding he had to squint. Not seeing anything above he started to look around again. "Hello?" He called out.


His eyes desperately searched the grassy and tall trees. To his left, behind the trunk of a northern oak tree peeked the face of a baby boy with the richest brown skin Lotus had ever laid eyes on. He knew that face anywhere. When they made eye contact, Gene stepped out from behind the tree and began running toward him.

"Gene?!" Lotus screamed out in happiness and disbelief. Eyes bulging, the father's legs started moving on their own, running toward his baby boy.

Gene was in a pair of white shorts, a graphic t-shirt and had neat braids with parts so precise, it almost looked fake.

Lotus dropped to his knees as Gene jumped into his arms. Lotus broke down, sobbing uncontrollably. Gene wrapped his arms and legs around his father, the side of his face on his shoulder. Lotus didn't know how, but he could just feel his son passing love and warmth to him. Giving him reassurance that everything would be okay.

Lotus cupped the back of the boy's head, rocking back and forth. He was so happy.

Gene always clung on to him like this when he was sad or just wanted to be held. But this time Lotus could tell Gene was doing it to calm him down.

Warm air caressed Lotus' tear soaked face while he held his son. "Gene I love you so much, please come back to me. I miss you."

The father was inconsolable. His baby boy felt so fragile in his arms, he could feel his little heart beating against his own chest. Lotus pulled back and cupped Gene's face. He looked so radiant, so happy, he was glowing. And there was no bullet hole in his forehead. Lotus didn't even realize he was holding his bear Mr. Pickles.

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