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Walking back to the apartment was annoying. The wind tore through their jackets like they didn't exist, leaving Nadia and Pietro freezing within minutes.

The two of them did not speak on the way back, leaving the howling wind and police sirens to fill the silence.

Nadia opened the door, immediately hearing the TV before anything else.

"What is it this time?" she asked, annoyed.

Roman pointed to the TV.

"News again? I'm getting really sick of hearing tragic stories and politicians lying, or both," she complained.

"Aren't we all," Pietro said.

"Yeah, yeah, we're all tired, but Nadia, I really think you'll want to see this," Roman told her.

Pietro and Nadia payed close attention to the TV, so far from what they could tell, it was a story about a shooting. The screen went to a new view, a news reporter in front of a restaurant.

"Why are you showing this to her?" Pietro asked, confused.

When neither of them replied, Pietro looked to his side at Nadia, who was staring at the screen in shock.

"I-I work there -" she paused, "Used to work there."

The three of them continued to listen to the reporter talk on about the incident, saying everyone inside the building had died.

"Nadia, for whatever reason you don't work there anymore, I'm very glad that you no longer have a job," Roman said.

"I am too," she whispered.

It all was too much. Two days within the span of one week in which she narrowly avoided death.

"I don't understand why these things are happening to me," Nadia said, wanting to leave the room again.

Pietro put his hand on her shoulder before she could get up, "I think this week has been hell for us all, but we can get through it."

"I still have no idea where my sister is, not only that, but I've been blamed for a mass killing," Pietro told them, looking away.

Nadia had completely forgotten about his issues, never had she felt more selfish.

"I think it's time we all put on our big kid pants and take control of this situation," Roman said, standing up.

"How, Roman? We can't fight the entire city, even with Pietro's powers," Nadia asked.

"I can try and convince my boss that Pietro is gone so that the lockdown is called off, while Pietro starts training so when the lockdown is done, he can leave the city quickly and safely."

Pietro looked up at Roman with respect. "That's actually not a bad plan."

"Yeah, I can help Pietro with the training too," she then turned to Pietro. "I have a theory about how you can learn to use it."

"Go on," Roman said.

"Well, from what I've seen so far, Pietro can use his abilities if it's from reflex. Things such as an object falling and the catching it, or wanting to run somewhere out of fear triggers it. If we practice with the reflexes maybe he can learn to use his powers from it. Hell, maybe that train of thought can enable him to use his abilities," Nadia explained.

"Smart idea Nadia, someday you're going to make a great doctor," Roman complemented.

The two of them continued on their conversation but didn't notice Pietro holding his head in his hands.

It was a dark dirty cell, his clothes were ragged. The feeling of hate coursing through him, but also the joy that he would be able to get to take a shot at Stark. Uncontrollably he used his powers, often resulting in injuries.

Bits and pieces came back to him of this dark place.

Pietro saw his sister, she too was using her new abilities. They talked to some crazy bald man.

Though, Pietro could not hear the conversations because his memory began to fade.

"Pietro!" Roman yelled, trying to snap him out of it.

He looked up at Roman, not saying a word. The memory was too much, how could he and his sister become involved in something so hateful, then join the Avengers; the very thing they had sought to destroy?

"You okay?" Nadia asked.

"Yeah, I just remembered more," he said, shutting his eyes.

"What was it?" Roman questioned.

"Just some silly memory of me and my sister," Pietro lied, "I really miss her," that wasn't a lie.

"You'll find her eventually, don't worry," Roman told him, then walked off to his room.

Nadia looked at him in concern, knowing he lied. "What was it really?"

"My sister and I were in some sort of complex, and whatever we were doing, it wasn't good. I don't know how I came to be here, or even with the Avengers. It really bothers me," he said quietly.

"I can't say I know, but for what it's worth, I'm glad you ended up here with us. My life had been nice, but rather boring, and even though a lot has happened in these past few days, it's nice to have you around."

Pietro looked at her in surprise. He thought they more considered him a charity case, in which they would get him home to his sister and hide him because it was right, not because they wanted to.

"Okay, so...up for some training?" Nadia asked, filling the silence.

He nodded, glad to have an opportunity to take his mind off the memory, for a little while.

"Same thing as before, throwing the baseball?" He asked.

"Mmhmm. I think that once you get the hang of that we can move onto something else," she explained.

Nadia tossed the ball to the side of the room opposite of Pietro, he would attempt to catch it as smoothly as possible.

The first few times were rough, he even bumped into the bookshelf causing books to fall over. Roman came out of his room again to watch Pietro's powers in action.

The first time Roman saw Pietro use his abilities, he was impressed, even if Pietro had nearly fallen over trying to catch the ball.

Towards the end of the night, Pietro began to get the hang of catching the ball in less than a second. He would falter less while going to catch it and generally have more control.

He felt like he was starting to understand his abilities, though he still would not be able to use his power without proper focus.

They all knew that there would be a lot more work and practice down the road.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the past few chapters have been hard to write and are fillers, but I've got it all figured out now.

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