Time is Running Out

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They arrived to where Roman worked early that morning, ready to employ their plan and break out Wanda. There were no guards outside, just like Roman said, so entering the building was simple.

"Hood up, Pietro," Roman instructed.

Pietro nodded in response and followed Roman's lead along with Nadia's.

"First, Nadia creates a distraction, any distraction can work, so long as it keeps the guards occupied," Roman said.

Nadia took in a deep breath and pushed the door open for them.

The room they entered was vaulted and help up by six pillars, meaning there were shadows to the side of the room. Guards patrolled near the front desk and hallways leading elsewhere.

Pietro slipped to the side while Roman and Nadia confidently walked up to the front desk. They were lucky there were other people walking around doing their own business, otherwise all attention would have been on them. Pietro stayed to the shadows in the room and pulled his hood back down, so he didn't look suspicious.

He moved at the pace Nadia and Roman walked at, waiting for them to make their move.

Nadia walked up to the desk with an air of purpose about her, confidently talking to the secretary while Roman stood behind her patiently.

The secretary nodded at Roman in recognition then moved her attention to Nadia.

"How I help you ma'am?" She asked politely.

"Hi yes, I have an appointment with-" Nadia started coughing violently.

She knew more than enough from her time at the hospital about which illnesses and symptoms got people moving the quickest. Blood was usually first, but that wasn't an option for what they were doing. So, violent asthma attack it was.

Nadia fell to the floor in a fit of coughs that echoed throughout the quiet room, causing the guards to run to her in support. The secretary grabbed the phone and was on the line with emergency personnel. Other staff and citizens stood around looking worried.

Roman took a look around to make sure everyone's attention was focused on Nadia and moved to the side of the room leading Pietro to a hallway.

Their entire plan relied on stealth, a fast pace and being able to take people out quietly. Pietro had insisted he was ready, that he knew how to focus his powers now, so they went with the difficult plan.

"The part of the building where they hold meetings about terrorists and with military personnel is the most secluded part, but also the most heavily protected. We're going to have to be quiet about this," Roman told Pietro.

Pietro nodded and prepared himself for what was to come; going about it peacefully wasn't an option.

Roman lead them down seemingly endless hallways, that had walls devoid of decoration.

"How many times did you get lost here?" Pietro asked in wonder. Never had he seen this many hallways that twisted around so much.

"At least ten times, probably more," Roman answered in amusement. "Alright, we have to be careful now. There's an entrance to that part of the building two hallways down, it's always patrolled and the guards are armed, so play it cool until we get up close."

"Do you think Nadia will be okay?" Pietro asked. They had just left her outside with all attention on her.

"She's smart, she'll probably just come up with some excuse to make it alright," Roman said. Though, it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself.

Roman first rounded the hallway leading to the sector, immediately the guard's attention was on him.

"Good morning, just going in to check up on some files," Roman greeted.

The guards eyed Roman with caution.

"Hey, aren't you the one helping the Avengers?" one guard asked.

"You must have me mistaken for someone else," Roman said casually.

"No, it's you!" the man went to radio someone, but was too slow.

Pietro had already disabled the other guard, then slammed him into the wall.

"They should really step up the security around here," Pietro commented.

"It gets worse as we go on."

Pietro snorted. "That sounds promising."

"Yeah, just wait," Roman said while swiping his key card through security. It came up as positive and let him through.

"If they knew I was helping you, why the hell would they leave my ID in the system? This is too easy," Roman said, thinking out loud.

Pietro shrugged. "Maybe they didn't think you'd ever come back,"

"That's quite arrogant of them if they did," Roman said.

Roman lead Pietro through more hallways that were just as plain as the other ones, but they had more doorways as well as people in them. They took extra care not to run into anyone and if they did, the person was knocked out.

"The cameras have to be picking this up," Pietro whispered.

"There aren't any in the hallways here," Roman stated.

Pietro looked at him in confusion, what kind of military information centre didn't have cameras?

"Shevdov thinks he has absolute respect around here. He thinks that nobody would dare cross him, but he's an idiot. He constantly wonders why there's so much corruption and can never find out who's at fault- this is why."

Pietro rolled his eyes. He never understood why people thought they commanded that much power. But it worked to their advantage, so he was partially thankful at the moment.

"Alright, so this door leads to the security room, it normally has maps and patrol schedules. I'll find out where they're holding Wanda, and you keep watch out here," Roman instructed.

Pietro nodded. He was very anxious to see his twin again, they had been through a lot for her, but it was all worth it. Pietro kept pacing the hallway in trepidation. Someone could come around the corner at any moment, or out of the other door in the hallway.

Pietro was in front of the other door when it opened and he was pulled into the dark room. He couldn't see his attacker, so that was a huge disadvantage- powers wouldn't work in that situation.

He swung his fist in the direction he thought his assailant to be in and was surprised to find his punch get caught mid-swing.

"I know you kinda gave your life to save me and all, but that isn't how you should greet me. We were sad you know," came the voice. It was English.

"Who is this?" Pietro asked, then winced at his accent. He hadn't spoken English in months. And what did the man mean by give his life?

The man released Pietro's fist then turned on the light and his features were revealed. It was the same man who was in his memories when he was helping the Avengers.

"You are here to help rescue Wanda, yes?" Pietro asked.

He nodded. "Me, Romanoff and Rogers too. We weren't expecting you, though," he explained.

The names sounded familiar to Pietro, but he did not have the time to ask who they were, as well as what the man had said previously.

All he knew what that they were there to help, and Pietro knew he needed it.


An: sorry that my updates are getting farther apart, I always lose confidence in my story about halfway through, so comments are greatly appreciated. Also, don't worry, I intend to see this story through until the end, even if it takes a while ; )

And who's excited for the reunion?

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