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The questioning with Fury was brief, but intense. Pietro had to be bluntly honest in everything he told the director, or Fury would become angry. Even details like Alyona and Nadia's parents were mentioned.

Fury had left Pietro in his hospital room after the debriefing and Nadia immediately ran in.

"They wouldn't tell me anything! Thank god you're alright!" She exclaimed.

"I wasn't going to die that easily," Pietro joked.

Nadia nudged him jokingly for the inappropriate quip, silently agreeing with him. "As long as you're fine. So how are you feeling?"

Pietro would have shrugged, but his shoulder was still bandaged up. "I've been better. I heard Natasha went missing, and I can't help but wonder if it's my fault. I also fought an assassin and got a knife buried in my shoulder. Can't say it feels great."

"But you can say you're alive."

Pietro nodded. "That is true. So, about last week, before I had to leave. We were-"

"Wanda's awake!" Roman said, bursting into the room.

"What? How? Is she okay?" Pietro asked, so quickly Roman could not comprehend at first.

"Dr. Cho found the strand of poison and isolated it. She's still in danger, but awake," Roman told them.

Pietro pulled the medical cords out of his arm and stood up. Nothing was going to keep him from his sister- not after waiting this long and going through so much.

"Is she aware of her surroundings this time?" Nadia asked.

Roman nodded, then gestured to the door. "Yes. Oh and Pietro, she wants to see you. She can't get up right now because Dr. Cho is still working on her, but you can go see her."

Nadia crossed her arms, and her doctor mode kicked in. "Are you sure that's a good idea with his shoulder?"

"I'm right here- and I think it's a great idea," Pietro interjected.

"Alright, but no matter what, don't move your shoulder. I don't care if you have improved healing, just don't do it," she ordered.

Pietro nearly rolled his eyes. "Yes, Doctor Nadia."


There she was, eyes moving, comprehending, seeing. Unlike when she was with them in Sokovia, she was having full conversations. She was not brain dead anymore.

"Wanda!" Pietro exclaimed.

His sister turned to look at him, and a huge smile spread across her face. "Pietro!"

She would have gotten up from where she was sitting, hooked up to machines, but Dr. Cho gave her a look of warning.

Pietro looked at the doctor, silently questioning her.

Helen Cho put her pen, with which she was writing furiously, down then stared at Pietro.

"I'm sorry, but Wanda can't leave that bed or she'll lose consciousnesses again. I managed to isolate the poison, but it's still inside her and can't be taken out."

"Why can it not be taken out?" Pietro questioned.

"Because it'll kill her."

"Kill her?! There has to be some way!" Pietro exclaimed, then looked to Wanda who seemed to already know this.

"You are okay with this?"

She shook her head, then looked down. "No, but I get to see you again. And if you can come back from the dead, then I am sure there is a way to fix this."

Dr. Cho nodded. "Which is exactly what I'm trying to work on right now; A way to take it out without killing Wanda."

"Thank you, then," Pietro said. Wanda looked at him with affection.

"I still can not believe you are here, brother," she said.

He smiled and sat down beside her. "I still do not know what happened before, and how I am 'alive' but I think it is connected to the voice."

Wanda narrowed her eyes, staring at Pietro's shoulder. "What happened there?"

"When I was investigating the voice, an assassin attacked the facility. We fought each other and he stabbed me in the shoulder."

"Assassin?" Wanda asked, surprised. "What did they look like?"

"He was dressed in all black, did not speak and was quick. There was not much noticeable about him," Pietro recounted. And it was true, the man was unremarkable and his entire face had been covered. There had to be a reason his twin was asking this. "Why?"

"Because an assassin took me out in the airport in Sokovia. He was immune to my abilities."

"What?" Pietro asked quickly. "Oh no no no. He must have Natasha now," Pietro said, more to himself.

"It's not my place to say this, but shouldn't she be skilled enough to handle him? She's fought through so much that it seems unlikely." Dr. Cho stated.

Pietro looked to her. "No, you're right. And if Wanda's powers did not effect him, something else is going on."


"So Nadia... What do you think about SHIELD?" Roman asked out of the blue.

Nadia looked at him weirdly, but proceeded to answer. "They try their best to protect people. I think that's most we can ask from people."

"How can you be so sure? Have you really investigated them? They're murderers."

"Roman what the hell? What sort of research have you done to prove that?" She asked indignantly.

"All you have to do is look at death tolls around the world. It proves itself. People with too much power kill, and SHIELD defends those people."

"What are you talking about? Two days ago you were just talking about how awesome superheroes are."

Roman leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "Don't tell me you don't see it. Sokovia is a mess because of people with superpowers."

"I know it's a mess, but because of corruption, not superheroes. What are you trying to get at?" She asked.

Roman looked at her intently, then pushed himself off the wall. "I mean, what if we could fix all this? No superpowers, no corruption in Sokovia."

"The two aren't even remotely related!" She exclaimed.

"That's where you're wrong. I met this woman at the bar, you saw me talking to her. She knows this man, who has extraordinary power and controls half the government," he explained.

"Why did you not mention this earlier, Roman?"

"Because she's the one who's in Pietro's head."


An: I haven't updated in a while, so sorry. I'm almost done writing this so don't worry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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