Chapter 1: Project Partners

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Hey guys! This is my first fic! Don't be too hard on me!! I'm doing my best! Let me know how you like it! Or don't like it.. I don't know!




The sound of my alarm clock blaring caused my eyes to open and my hand to slam down on my alarm clock. I had to stop the annoying noise that's blasting through my room. I sigh rubbing my eyes and look at the clock; 5:30 A.M. Tell me again why school starts so early. I get out of my warm cocoon of blankets and a chill instantly hits my body making me shiver.

I make my way to my bathroom to take a shower. I strip my clothes off, turn the water on, and step in, hot water immediately hitting my skin. I grab the shampoo and massage it into my scalp. Washing it out I grab the conditioner next. Once I finish I quickly wrap a towel around my body and walk to my room.

I look at the clock, 6:00A.M. I still have another hour until I need to leave. I drop my towel, put on my bra and underwear, and go into my closet to choose todays outfit. I decide on a black dolman sleeve tee, light washed shorts, and black gladiator sandals. I let my long blonde hair dry naturally, slightly wavy.

I step out of my room and go down the stairs toward the kitchen. I take the bread out of the fridge and put two pieces into the toaster. I grab a glass from the cabinet and pour some orange juice in it. Yeah I know it's not a big breakfast but I'm not that hungry. The toast pops out and I put some butter on it. "Mom," I call, "are you here?" Of course I get no answer. I guess I'm walking to school as usual. I grab my book bag and stick my phone and headphones in my pocket.

Before I walk out, I stop by the mirror and apply my makeup. Some black eyeliner on the top of my eyelid and mascara. Finally I put some chap stick on and nod my head in approval to my appearance. I step out the door and make my way to hell on earth.

You'd think finally being a senior in high school everything would be fine, how hard can that be, but trust me when you go to school with the three meanest girls in school, only have two friends, the boy you're crushing on is taken, and you're failing most of your classes, It. Is. Hell.

I grab my phone and plug my headphones in putting them in my ears. I scroll down my playlist and choose "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran. It always clams me down. I don't know what it is about the song but whenever I hear everything is ok.

As I make my way downtown, I see a black Mercedes pass by and I cringe because I know Morgan, Becky, and Hailey are in that car. Let me explain the situation. You see, Morgan and I were best friends in middle school but when she found out we both had a crush on Niall Horan, she made it clear she wanted him more than a friendship with me. She did everything in her power to get him; not invite me to anything he went to, flirt with him non stop, always be near him, talk about me behind my back to him, anything to get him to like her. And it worked, seeing how he's now her boyfriend.

Niall was like any typical teenage boy. He was athletic, smart, popular, and talented. Everything I wasn't. He has blonde hair and electric blue eyes. He's considered the "dreamy heart throb" of my school, which he really is. And the funny thing is Niall and I were actually good friends a couple years ago. That is until Morgan ruined everything.

Anyways as I get closer to the Green and Blue building, "Mistview High" comes into my view and my stomach starts to turn. I know today isn't going to be any different than the others. Get to school, hide from Morgan and her minions, get to class, do nothing, get made fun of, go to lunch, more class, and then go home. Fun right?

I walk in the huge building and already I'm getting stared at. Did I mention, Morgan got the whole school to hate me with a stupid rumor she started. Yeah my life is great. Not. Everyone is looking at me whispering in each other's ears, probably spreading more rumors about me. Whatever.

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