Chapter 8: Realization

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Heres chapter 8 hope you enjoy.

Note at the end is important!



Monday morning came around and my alarm clock was blaring throughout my room. I groaned stopped the annoying sound and sat up. I really do not want to get ready right now. Sighing I unwillingly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Why is it always so cold in the morning? God my fingers are actually frozen. Heh frozen I love that movie.

I chuckled at my ridiculous self and ran my fingers through my hair and thought of what to do with it. I don't feel like trying to so I'll just put it up. I grabbed a pony tail from the little box I had on top of the counter and just pulled it together. It was a low pony with some off my hairs loose on the side of my head. Whatever. I did my makeup and walked back into my room.

I changed into into some dark washed jean shorts and a blue and white striped tulip top. There was a little sequence pocket on the left side of the shirt. I slipped on my white vans and grabbed my silver crescent moon necklace. My mom had gotten it for me for my 13th birthday. It was my first real gift from her. She said it symbolized a new beginning and making my dreams reality.

In a way she was kind of right. It was a new beginning, Morgan had just gotten everyone to stop talking to me so I had to start new and find new friends. And as for making my dreams reality, I'm still working on that. Grabbing my phone, I went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I grabbed a tangerine and bottle of water. I wasn't really hungry this morning.

The note my parents had left me was still on the refrigerator. Oh right they would be back tomorrow. Well not really, it's not like I'd even see them. Whatever. Sighing I pulled my book bag on and walked out the door. I locked the door and started my way to school.

It was a pretty day out today. The sun was out and wasn't too hot, it was just the right temperature. There was a light breeze too which was really nice. Which was nice seeing as it was October and fall was ending now. Continuing my walk to school, I plugged in my headphones and pressed shuffle. An upbeat song started.

I danced, yes danced my way to school and when I finally arrived I was dead. Dancing really gets your blood pumping. I wiped the thin layer of sweat that had formed on my forehead off and entered the building. It was a little after 7 o'clock so I had a couple minutes before I had to get to class. I decided to just get my books and head to math.

Before I stepped into the room I stopped and groaned. We were getting out test results back today and I know for a fact it's not going to be good. Shaking my head I just opened the door and made way to my seat. Niall saw me and his eyes lit up. He grinned and greeted me. "Hey Alison." I smiled moving past him to get to my seat.

"Hey Niall." He did something I didn't expect. He gave me a hug. It wasn't one of those awkward one armed side hugs, it was a real two armed hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist so I was forced to wrap my arms around his neck. I realized I probably didn't smell so great from my little dance party earlier this morning so I tried to pull away but Niall kept his grip on me.

After another second he let go and I backed up. "Sorry, I just feel like I haven't hugged you in forever." He sighed. "We'll that's because you haven't." I answered back a hint of sadness in my voice. Niall and I were so close back then. We'd always hang out together and just lay on the couch or something. There was nothing weird about it, we were both cuddly people.

He looked down and scratched his head. "Yeah sorry about that." I kind of felt bad. He actually looked like he felt sorry for not hanging out with me for so many years. "Don't worry about it." I shrugged and sat down.

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