Chapter 15: I Just Kissed You

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I have ideas flowing in my head right now and I don't wanna forget them so you get another update yay! :)



I woke up Thursday morning with a groan. I had to see Niall again in math class. Tuesday had been the most awkwardest experience in my life. I couldn't even look at him without wanted to cry again. We were working in groups that day and I swear every time I looked at him he was already looking at me. I sighed at myself and got ready for school.

Once I arrived at school, I unwillingly got my math book from my locker and made my way to the room. Most students were already there. While walking to my desk I noticed a white envelope on it. Hm that was weird. I sat down and grabbed the envelope. My name was written on it and I recognized the handwriting. It was Nialls. Oh my god. I shakily opened it and took the letter out.

Dear Alison,

Before you say no, which I know you're already saying in your head, I would really appreciate and love if you would accompany me on a date this evening. I know this is very weird for me to do but I just need you there tonight. So if you say yes to this invitation, which I really hope you do, you can meet me at 6:00 at the park we went to on our first date. You'll know where to find me once you're there. Also wear something nice, actually you can wear anything you want since you look great in anything.

I hope to see you there,

Nialler xx

I blushed at the last part of the letter and folded the paper back into the envelope. Should I go? I mean I know I ended things but his invitation sounds really alluring. Man I really wanna go. No I can't. Yes I can. This was so confusing. After failing to pay attention to any work all day I decided to accept his offer. I'm going on a date with Niall tonight.



"Are you kidding me!" Amanda shouted at me on the phone. Yeah I didn't want to tell them this in person. I knew that they'd try and talk me out of it. But I felt like I had to go. There was something telling me to just trust him. "When does this date start huh?" She continued sassily and I cringed. "Like now." "Are you kidding me! You waited all day to tell us this and you're going on a date with him right now?! Oh you're so dead Alison!" She yelled and I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"I'll explain everything later. I have to go, bye." I mumbled and she uttered a bye back. I put my phone down and looked at the time 5:47. Perfect. I glanced at my appearance and smiled. I had a deep red, thigh length dress on and black flats. I did my hair in loose curls and put on a natural color smokey eye. I didn't want to be so plain so I put my gold heart shaped earrings and a gold ring. I put on lip gloss instead of a color, not wanting to be so bold.

I made my way to the park and it was a nice walk. The cool fall breeze hit my skin. The sun had begin to set, giving off that orangey glow. It was a pretty night. As I was getting closer and closer I noticed something different about the park. There was a pathway made up by lights. I turned my head in confusion to see if anyone was here but it was empty. Where was Niall? It was 6 o'clock now.

I continued walking and the curiosity got the better of me. I followed the lit up path. I stopped by the swing sets when I saw a bright yellow post-it. There was writing on it. Niall's writing.

Remember the day we met?

I smiled at the memory. It was 3rd grade and my class was at recess. It was my turn at the monkey bars and a boy shoved me to the side so he'd be able to go. I complained about it and the boy pushed me again and left. That's when Niall stepped in and helped me up. He said that boy was if I remember correctly, "the biggest poopy head of them all" and asked if I wanted to play with him. I continued walking only to stop again at another post-it.

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