Chapter 2: Just Like Old Times

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yaaay chapter two

hope you enjoy



"Hey Alison I was just wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me today." "Oh sure Niall I'd love that." I started walking to the table but he caught my hand and said "No just us two. Come with me." We made our way out of the cafeteria and went to the outside tables. There was no one really around when we got there, but Niall still led me to a table in the back away from people. "Niall why are you taking me so far back?" "Because I don't want anyone to be around when I say this."

Niall was scratching the back of his head nervously and started mumbling something that sounded like "irealliejuice." "Wait what did you say?" I answered back almost instantly. "I said I really like you." He restated. My heart started to beat fast and my hands got clammy.

"That's not possible you have a girlfriend" I stated confused. "So what does that have to do with anything? I can't stop thinking about you and every time I'm around you I get butterflies in my stomach. You're so beautiful and funny and so amazing, we have a connection Alison and I don't want to lose it." He blurted making me blush like a mad man.

"Niall I don't know what to say what are you supposed to tell Morgan?" I announced sadly. "Fuck Morgan I don't love her as much as I love you." He blurted out and quickly turned red in the face. "Oh wow Niall I-" I began but Niall stopped me and said "Just don't say anything, show me how you feel." He stepped closer to me and brought his hands to my face. He cupped my cheek and closed his eyes so I followed and leaned forward to close the little distance between us. His lips were just about to touch mine when-

I shot out of bed faster than I ever have before. I was breathing hard and was a little sweaty. That had all been a dream are you kidding me. If only that would really happen. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. School. Do I even need to go today? I sigh and strip my clothes and step into the already steaming shower. I let the water hit my back and thought about today.

Once I was out, I immediately put my hair into a bun and put on my bra and underwear. I decided on black skinny jeans, a grey crew neck, and my brown combat boots. I went downstairs to have my usual breakfast of toast and orange juice. While I was putting the juice back I noticed a note on the refrigerator door. I grabbed it and read;


Your mother and I are going to be gone this weekend. We decided to take a little vacation from work and everything. We will be back sometime Tuesday.

-Mom & Dad

PS. We left you some money by the front door, so you don't have to worry about anything.

Of course they would leave. Whatever at least it's Friday. I grabbed my stuff and the money that was sitting on the shelf by the door, shoved it my my pocket and started my walk to school. It took me about 10 minutes today to get to school, so I was pretty early. And by early I mean 45 minutes early.

I decided to just wait in the art room. Ms.Gonzalez gave me a key to the room my sophomore year, which isn't really allowed but I like that she trusts me with it. Once I reached the room I set my things and and took out my sketch book. I had nothing really in mind so I just started doodling. After about 10 minutes I looked at the sketch and saw what I had drawn. It looked as if a stick figure was opening the paper to let out his friends. It was pretty cool if I do say so myself. I felt a buzz in my pants so I pulled my phone out to see a new text from a random number.

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