Chapter 14: I Need Some Ice Cream

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Another quick update! Again I'm sorry for taking so long! :'(



Two weeks. Two. Dos. It's been two damn weeks and Niall and I are just a thing? Talking? His booty call? I can't take this anymore. I don't know what I'm supposed to do but I'm getting sick of it. Yeah of course I love all the affection from him but it disappears the moment we step into school. For instance last Friday. Niall and I both had detention for getting late to class; no need to explain why we were late but still we were late.

He had been all cute and couple like with me after the day ended of course because no one was in the hall way, but as soon as we walked into the detention room it was like a light switch. He just turned off his sensitive side and I became one of his "dudes". And I spent the entire detention debating on ending this whole "thing" we have going on.

I had a lot of time to think about it over the weekend and got a lot of advice from the girls. And after a long time, and I mean long time, I've decided that I'm ending things with Niall. Wow that sounds weird. I would've never in a million years thought I'd be the one to end anything with Niall. Unfortunately it's come down to that. There's nothing I can make him do. Unless he some how just changed his ways and wanted something more with me.

I sighed knowing this is the right decision, but definitely the harder decision. I didn't know how I was going to tell him yet. Do I just bring it up casually or get him alone and tell him. Do I do it in school? At home? It'd probably be a little awkward if I did it at home. God you'd think this would be so easy and I'd just be able to do it but no. It's not. It's Niall Horan. What am I supposed to do? This was freaking annoying.

Unfortunately I had no time to continue thinking because it was time for school and I was already late. You can do this Alison. Just talk to him like you always do. Except this time it won't be so fun. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair, only getting them stuck in knots. Really? A bad hair day. Awesome. I threw it out into a pony tail and grabbed some jeans and a plain black t-shirt. After I finished getting ready I was out the door and walking, which was more like running, to school.

I arrived ten minutes late and tried my best to walk into first period as quickly as possible. Thank god my science class had a front and back door. I quietly opened the door and slipped in and into a seat in the back. Mr.Harper had his back towards the board so I was safe. That was a close one. "Has he taken attendance yet?" I whispered to the girl next to me. She looked up at me and nodded her head. Great. I was safe.

After science I had English and I was looking forward to it. My teacher always made class fun and I needed something to distract me for some time. Class actually lightened my mood and I was prepared for lunch. That's when I was going to tell Niall. Well tell him to meet me in my free period because there's no way I was doing it in the cafeteria. God I'm a wuss. I met up with Ashley and Amanda and they both nodded their heads as they saw me walk by.

This was it. Breath in. Breath out. Oh god there's a bunch of people sitting with him. Fuck. Why are there so many people. Maybe I should wait for him to stand up or something. No just go on Alison. Go. Walk. Move your legs. C'mon now. It's not that hard actually easy just one step then the other. It's like I was frozen. I saw Niall stand up and took that as my chance. He was heading towards the water fountains so I quickly rushed over there.

I waited for him to finish drinking water before speaking. "Oh hey I didn't see you." He smiled at me and I gave him a small smile back. "Hey." I spoke out not knowing what to say to that. "So what's up?" He asked me still smiling. "Oh nothing just um do you think that you can come meet me next period?" I began and he gave me a look. "I have free period and there's just something I wanted to tell you." I added and he nodded as if understanding now.

That's What You'd Think-Niall Horan (On Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora