Chapter 5: Planning Makes Perfect

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Here chapter 5 hope you enjoy :))

I've got a question for you guys in the end so please read the ending note!



Grabbing my phone I quickly dialed Amanda's number since I knew she'd answer faster. It was now 7:23 and I was still having a mini panic attack about what had just happened. As expected she answered on the first ring. "Oh my god Alison! It does not take that long to do a stupid art project I'm coming over with Ashley now to hear everything in person no exceptions bye!" She demanded into the phone and hung up. Well I guess that's settled.

I skipped over to the refrigerator to pour myself some lemonade. What? It's the best drink ever, that and milk. Ah I love milk. Anyways I grabbed the gallon and poured it into my Tangled themed cup. Again what? That movie is adorable. Oh my god you know what movie is also adorable, ugh Frozen. God that movie was great. I always wanted to be a princess. Amanda bursted through the door interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh Alison where are youuu?" She sang out searching for me. "Right over here." I answered stepping into view. You know from the front door you can't really see the kitchen. Not anything or anyone. It's comes to my advantage sometimes. "You have 10 seconds to start talking missy." Ashley pointed at me. "Okay okay everyone to my room!" I shouted and ran for the stairs.

Once we all reached my room and were comfortably seated on my oh so lovely bed I began talking. And hey when I talk about something I do not miss a single detail so it was a pretty long story. I told them everything from when he got here, to what he was wearing, to how we made spaghetti, and about how he almost kissed me. By the end of the story both Ashley and Ananda were gaping at me.

"No fucking way. No fucking way." Ashley kept mumbling to herself. "I thought you guys were just going to talk at most I didn't know that he'd try and kiss you!" Amanda squealed while clapping her hands. God every time I hear that word 'kiss' it's like my stomach goes on a roller coaster. "Ugh guys you should have somehow been here to see the moment," I groaned rolling around the bed. "it was perfect and it was so close but my mom had to go and ruin it!"

Oh she is so on my list now. Ruining what could have been my first kiss with Niall. And yeah I've kissed other guys but not Niall. I bet his kiss would be so gentle and sweet. I groaned again. This was so not fair. But then again, that would have meant he cheated on Morgan and I do not want to be his side girl. Hell no.

Oh my god Morgan. What was she gonna do when she found out about this. Ha way let me rephrase that, when she never finds out. God she would ruin my life even more than she has now. I'd probably have to change my name and change schools god that would suck. No. I'm so sick of her bull shit. I hope Niall breaks up with her. Not only for my sake but because she's an out right total bitch.

"Guys plan time." I smirked evilly. Both Amanda and Ashley sat up shaking there heads. "What are you planning up their in that genius mind of yours?" Ashley played along. Oh but I'm so not playing. It's time for me to get what was rightfully mine in the first place. And what is that you might say? Well lets go down the list. You've got Niall, my friends, and my social life. She took all that away from me.

Except Amanda and Ashley, they've been here from the start and never left my side. That why I love them so much. They didn't leave when times got rough for me, they were my anchor. And I'll always owe them for that. But right now it's planning time so I looked up and let them know what I was thinking.

"Why don't we find a way for Niall and Morgan to break up?" I smirked before continuing. "I mean yeah they're kind of a perfect couple but oh god what am I saying I can't do that to him." I groaned and brought my hands to cover my eyes. What was I even thinking. I wasn't that what. Niall deserves a girl that wouldn't plot to ruin his relationship. Yeah I hate Morgan but she's nothing but good to Niall.

I looked up and saw an uneasy look on Ashley's face. "What is it?" I asked. She shrugged and and her face scrunched up a bit. "Ashley tell me." She moved a piece of hair behind her ear. "Ashley. Spill." I demanded and she finally broke. "Okay fine! Morgan cheated on Niall!" She yelled out and I gasped. That bitch! How dare she cheat on him. Who in their right mind would ever cheat on Niall. Not me that's for sure.

"With who." I stated calmly. Amanda was just wide eyed and gaping. "With Chris Jenner." She mumbled out. Chris Jenner. The all star baseball player in out school. Of course. He's got jet black hair, hazel eyes, and a hell of an ass. He's nice and muscular and pretty tall. I heard he's just a player though. So Morgan's getting nothing out of it. God she's such a bitch.

"Oh this plan is so on." I sneered, my eyes narrowed, and shook my head. The two girls nodded their head as in agreeing with me. Now the thing is when are we starting this. "Monday morning. It is so on." Amanda smirked as if she was reading my mind. "Alright what's step one?" Ashley questioned.

Hmm what is step one. I mean I can't just go and tell Niall that Morgan cheated on her. That would kill him and he probably wouldn't even want to date for awhile after that. Yeah I gotta start slow. "I know the perfect way to do it." Amanda spoke out and then kept quiet. I signaled for her to continue talking. "Oh right." She giggled a small blush forming on her cheeks.

"Okay so I was thinking we need to hit Niall with a triple threat. And that is you my dear," she said while gesturing over to me. "you need to hit him in three ways; physically, mentally, and emotionally." She continued on. "Wait we're not actually hitting him right?" Ashley questioned. "No you idiot." Amanda laughed before continuing her idea.

"For physical, I mean c'mon you're hot you've got that down, just spice it up a bit. For mental, we need to find a way for you to sneak yourself up into that mind of his, we need to get every little thing to remind him of you. And lastly for emotional, pfft that's so easy you just need to talk about old times when you guys were this close." She finished and crossed her fingers up showing how 'close' we were.

"You are a genius Amanda!" I screamed and tackled her into a hug which knocked her down so she was laying on the bed. "Oh I know." She smirked back at me but started laughing. "Well if you two are done," Ashely began, "I think we should plan little Ally's outfit for Monday." She finished.

"Lets do this thing." I nodded. I ran over to my speaker and plugged in my phone. Do What You Want by Lady Gaga started to play and the three of us bursted out laughing. That song was so good. It was my actual jam. "Hey Ally maybe you can dedicate this song to Niall." Ashley laughed. "Oh definitely that's exactly what I'll do." I laughed back.

Two hours later my room was a mess. And I mean MESS. There was a sea of my clothes on the floor I couldn't see the actual floor. But hey we picked out an outfit for Monday! The top was a cute crop top with a zipper in the front and faded rose print. There was also criss cross straps in the back. The bottom was just normal gray faded high wasted shorts. For shoes we picked out my black vans.

The girls hasn't noticed it was so late and screamed that they had to be home or their parents would kill them so they left shortly after we finished picking out my outfit, leaving me with cleaning up my room by myself. Great. It took me an hour to get everything back in order on all hangers and drawers but I finally got it done. Wow I was tired.

I quickly switched into my pajamas and hopped into my bed. I couldn't help but get excited as I thought about Monday. Ah it's going to be so great I can't wait to see the look and everyone's face. I've never dressed so, how would I put it.. Seductive? Sexy? Hot? I mean I don't think people will notice but maybe some will. I don't know what to expect but I can't wait for it. Niall's not gonna know what hit him.


Woo! Chapter 5 :D how'd you guys like it!? Morgan's cheating on Niall?!!! That can only meaning thing...trouble. Hehehe. Okay question time.

1. Do you want me to write a chapter in Niall's POV to see how he's feeling or do you want to be as clueless as Alison?

I may do it but I wanna see how you guys feel about it.

2. Do you want me to to start posting pictures of her outfits so you have a better idea on how she looks?

And last one

3. Do you guys want to see anything specific happen? If you do just let me know!! :))

Seriously guys I don't bite :p just comment whatever you want

Make sure to vote and comment! Ily guys!


That's What You'd Think-Niall Horan (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن