Chapter 19: Halloween Fun

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Here's another update for you guys! :) Sorry for the wait! Enjoy!



Days were going by and my excitement began to grow. Halloween was just around the corner. And by corner I meant tomorrow! God I loved Halloween, like loved Halloween. It was my favorite holiday. Dressing up was one of my favorite things to do. I loved being able to be someone or something different for the night. It was exciting and fun all in one.

It took me a while to decide what I wanted to be this year. I didn't want to go all out this year because those costumes are always covered up. Not that I want to be naked, but since I have Niall now I wanted to have a little fun with it. And Niall. He'd been begging to know what I chose to be this year. I refused to tell him because one, I wanted to surprise him and two, I wasn't really sure what to be.

I could go with the whole "be an animal" thing but that's so common. Almost every girl gets an innocent animal and turns it into something slutty. Which is kind of what I'm doing just not so intense. Just enough to get through to Niall, which isn't going to be hard. I can do that easily, making something slutty is easy. Picking something to be is the problem.

After spending the day thinking about what to be it finally hit me. I can be something innocent in a not so innocent kind of way. And what's more innocent than a girl scout? I smirked to myself after the idea came to my head. God he was going to lose it. But I also had to get the costume. I quickly called Ashley and Amanda to come over and help me. When they arrived we made our way to the shop.

We arrived at the Halloween shop and quickly entered the building. The place was packed! Probably with last minute costume shoppers like me. I immediately went to the wall of costumes and found the one I wanted. I hurried to the worker to ask him for my size. "Hi can I get costume T351 in a size small." I smiled and he nodded. He disappeared into the back room.

When he returned he had the bag in his hands but stopped to talk to me. "We only have it in an extra small, sorry." He said and shrugged his shoulders. Great. I sighed and took the package from his hands and thanked him. I made my way to the dressing room and say Ashley and Amanda standing in front of one. "Oh finally! That lady looked like she was about to punch me in the face to get in there." She laughed gesturing to the dressing room.

I shook my head and went into the small room. There was a mirror and a stool. I set my phone down and kicked my sandals off. The costume was a tight green dress with white sleeves-which was even tighter due to it being a size smaller than usual-a sash, a green beret, and sheer thigh high white stockings with green bow clips.

The sash had badges on them already that were more adult like. There was a "best kisser" one and "very happy camper" one too. I chuckled while putting it on. When I finished putting the whole thing on I looked at the mirror. Holy shit. Not being conceded or anything but I looked great. Due to the smaller size, the dress was a bit shorter. It stopped around the top of my thigh, though still covering my bottom.

The dress made my chest look way bigger than normal. This costume would do some serious damage on Niall. It was slutty I'll say that, but what girl in high school isn't nowadays. And I honestly didn't care, it wasn't like I dressed like this normally. If was only for tomorrow night. I doubt every girl at that Halloween party will be just the same.

"Can we see now!" Ashley yelled and I turned around to open the door. Their eyes widened and their mouths opened. I felt slightly self conscious but let it slide. "So..?" I asked and did a twirl so they could see everything. "Oh my god." Ashley spoke and Amanda smirked. "Niall has no idea what's coming to him."

That's What You'd Think-Niall Horan (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now