Chapter 6: Jealousy and a Date

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Yaaaaaay chapter 6!!! Enjoy it!!



Monday morning came quicker than I thought. I felt like I had just went to sleep Sunday night, but nope that's definitely my alarm clock going off. Groaning I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I hate school but hey you gotta do what you gotta do. And I want to graduate, so I hauled myself up and walked over to the bathroom. Wanting my hair to look a little messy, I didn't really do anything to it.

Since it was already straight from yesterday, I just brushed the knots out and shook my head crazily giving it a nice disheveled look. Not too intense but not too perfect. I quickly brushed my teeth and ran back to my room. I grabbed the shorts and top Ashley and Amanda helped me pick out and put the outfit on. I slipped my vans on and walked over to the bathroom again to do my makeup.

I really didn't want to do anything too dramatic so I settled with a natural color smokey eye. It was just nude colors and a light brown to make my eyes pop. I applied a little bit of eyeliner and one coat of mascara too. I chose not to put any lip gloss since my lips were already a good color. I set off downstairs to make some breakfast.

I poured some orange juice into a plastic cup and grabbed a bagel from the fridge. I ate quickly and ran back up the stairs to brush my teeth again. What? A girl can't have fresh breath? After I finished, I walked into my room and grabbed my phone. Finally done with my morning routine I was about to head downstairs again but there was a loud knock at the door. Hmm how weird.

I went to open the door but apparently took to long because I was hearing a "CAN YOU HURRY UP PLEASE!" and a "SHUT UP ASHLEY!" soon. Laughing I opened the door and greeted my idiot friends. They took one look at me and smirked. "Wow we did so good picking out an outfit you look hot with a capital H." Amanda laughed. "Yeah holy shit you look awesome." Ashley agreed.

A small blush crept up my neck with the compliments they just gave me. I don't usually get them. "Whatever lets just go." I smiled and walked out the door not before grabbing my keys and book bag. I locked the door walked over to Amanda and Ashley's car. Their parents thought it would be easier to just get one car at a time since they're always together. Which actually works our pretty great.

Once we were seated and buckled. Amanda put the key in the ignition and we were making out way to school. I usually walk to school but this is a nice change. And it works out for me since I got all dressed up for today. The school building was getting closer and closer and I found myself getting nervous. What if people laughed at me. I don't usually dress like this.

My stomach was fluttering and not in the good way. Why was I so nervous! It was just school, I bet no one will even notice. I mean no one notices me anyways so why would they notice now. Amanda parked and I took a breath. I can do this. Open the door and walk into that school. Stepping out of the car I made my way to the entrance with Amanda and Ashley by my side.

I stopped before walking in. God I was such a wuss. Just walk in. Who cares what people think. I knew I was over thinking I just couldn't help it. Sighing I put a strand of hair behind my ear and pushed open the doors. As soon as I entered the hallway and began walking to my locker, I noticed something off. The usual loud chatter wasn't as loud as usual. I ignored the bad thoughts in my head and continued walking.

"Don't worry Ally, you look great I promise." Ashley whispered in my ear making me calm down a bit. When I reached my locker, which was coincidently near Amanda's and Ashley's, I quickly opened it and looked for first period book, pre calculus. I was interrupted by a hand slamming on the locker next to me. Startling me I jumped a bit and saw Harry Styles standing before me.

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