Chapter 22: Homecoming-Part 2

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Please read the authors note in the end of the chapter. Thank you :)



When I woke up the next morning it was way too late in the day. I almost wanted to yell at the girls for not waking me up, but as I sat up to look at them, they were both sprawled out on the bed asleep. It was one o'clock and the dance started at seven. Only six hours until we had to be dressed and ready to go, which in my opinion is too little time. 

I woke up the girls and they nearly freaked when they saw the time. All Ashley kept muttering was about not having enough time. "So breakfast?" I said and they both nodded their heads. We quickly got ready and soon enough we were heading out the door. We decided on looking for a place to get our nails done and if we were lucky enough our hair done too.

I texted Niall about our plans for the day and I he said was Alright love, be ready before 6:30 x. I smiled at the text and put my phone away. We drove to a near by Denny's and were seating within minutes. As we ate Amanda was googling places to get out hair and nails done. "Aha! There's a Leni's Nail and Hair Salon only seventeen miles away from us!" She yelled out as we were paying the check. 

We walked back to the car and were soon on our way to the salon. When we arrived there were a couple of girls before us so we had to wait about thirty minutes for us to begin. I was thanking my lucky stars that this place wasn't packed. One by one, we got up to get everything done. I was the last to go since I wasn't doing anything too extravagant. 

I got a French Manicure and did an updo hairstyle with some fallen hairs in the front. It sounded so simple but actually took forever. They had to wash my hair, and dry it, and begin styling it, it took about two hours for me to finish everything, along with the girls. After we finished and payed, we were on our way back to the hotel and the nervousness began. 

It was five forty five by the time we got back to the hotel and we did our best to be done by six thirty. We did our makeup in record time and as I was slipping my dress on, there was a knock on the door. I inwardly cursed to myself as Ashley opened the door. I peeked behind my door and saw a very handsome looking Niall step into the room. 

He had a black tux on and simple black tie, his hair perfectly styled up. He looked so effortly flawless it was unfair. I closed the door so I'd be able to get dressed in peace. I zipped the dress up and slipped into my white heals. I gave myself a look in the mirror and gave a small smile at my appearance. I didn't usually dress up like this. I actually felt pretty tonight. 

Amanda stepped into the room and cleared her throat. "Mr.Loverboy out there is waiting, go on we'll meet you there." She smiled to me and I nodded. As I stepped through the door I felt Niall's head snap towards me. He immediately got up from his seat on the couch and cleared his throat. "You look beautiful." He spoke and I felt my cheeks heat up. 

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." I lamely said back to him as he reached his hand out for me to grab. "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded my head, grabbed my clutch and phone. We exited the room together and made our way to the elevators. As we waited I felt his gaze on my so I turned my head towards him. "What?" I asked but he shook his head blushing. 

Niall's POV

I couldn't even make up the words to express how beautiful Ally looked tonight. She always looks so amazing, it's just tonight there was something different I couldn't put my finger on it. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as we entered the elevator and made our way down to the lobby. I thought it was a bit over the top to host a homecoming dance here, but then I thought we're already here so why not?

That's What You'd Think-Niall Horan (On Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora