Chapter 18: A Bit Cheesy

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Another update just because :) hope you enjoy!



Like Niall had said yesterday he was knocking at my door at 2:58. "You're early." I laughed and he checked the time before chuckling. "Just couldn't stay away from you." He smirked and closed the distance between us. I happily shut up and let our lips move in sync together. After seconds of our lips moving against each other, I broke the kiss and motioned for him to step inside the house.

He smirked and closed the door behind him. We spent another few minutes lazily kissing each other before I broke the kiss again and smiled at him. "What was that for?" I laughed and he smiled. "I told you I couldn't stay away from you." My stomach did flips and all I could do was smile. I turned and skipped over to the couch and hauled myself over. I heard Niall laugh behind me and assumed he would be joining me.

I assumed correctly because I soon felt the couch dip and Niall was by my side. He draped an arm around me and sighed. "So what d'you wanna do?" He asked and I got comfortable in his hold. "TV?" I shrugged and he agreed. I handed him the control and he switched the TV on. "Another movie?" He smirked and I all but screamed no. "Fine, fine how about ghost hunters?" He asked and I hummed. I guess we could watch that. I wasn't really into the show but it would do.

"You hungry?" I asked as he put the show on. He turned to me with the biggest grin. "When am I ever not?" I grinned and brought my phone out. After ordering a pizza for the two of us I got comfortable in his embrace again. They said it'd be a 45 minute wait. I could do that I guess. It shouldn't be that bad. I hope. I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder. This show was actually really boring. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get into it.

After an unsuccessful fifteen minutes of trying I was officially bored. Niall however was really into it and couldn't keep his eyes off the screen. I decided to have a little fun while we waited. I titled my head up a bit and attached my lips to his neck, only giving him a little peck. I got no reaction from him so I did it again. This time I left them there a little longer and put some pressure into it. He murmured a stop it and I smirked. I was just getting started.

I pressed my lips against his neck again and moved them a little lower. I sucked on the skin there and Niall let out a small sound. "Ally stop." He groaned and I shook my head. "Nuh uh." I mumbled against his neck and kissed down on the spot again. This time I decided to actually do something a little more touchy.

I began kissing up his neck to the bottom of his jaw. I wanted to get better access so I took charge in my movement. In one swift move I was now straddling his hips. "Ally co-" He cut himself off and let out a strangled sound. I smirked and kissed the corner of his mouth. "You want me to stop." I whispered in his ear and he quickly shook his head. "No go on." He spoke and I couldn't help but laugh. Boys were too easy.

I continued kissing my way towards his mouth slowly. I wanted to tease him a bit more so I pushed my hips down on him a bit. He moaned softly into my ear and I was going to lie, it kind of turned me on. I didn't want to wait any longer so I finally attached our mouths again. He let out a pleased sound as we began to properly kiss now. It was fine for a couple of minutes until we both wanted more.

I shifted my body to the side so I was now falling back onto the couch, Niall following me. He was laying on top of me with one arm on his elbow so all his weight wasn't on me. I didn't mind though. I kind of liked the feeling of him on me. We continued kissing, more intimately now and I couldn't get enough of the feeling. Niall was such an amazing kisser. I could kiss him all day.

I experimentally brought my hips up again and moaned at the contact. He pushed down against me and let out another moan. I smirked into his lips as we continued to kiss. I'm not sure how it happened, but moments later my shorts we carelessly thrown to the side. Not that I really minded. Niall had one hand balancing himself and the other was now running up my thigh. I thanked the lord I shaved my legs the other day.

His hand crept up my leg painfully slow. He kept playing the skin there. He broke the kiss and moved down to my jaw, where he began sucking on the skin there. I moaned at the feeling and didn't notice his fingers move to the inside of my thigh. He ran them up and down and up and down and I was pretty sure I couldn't handle the teasing anymore. I let out a little whine and he seemed to get the picture.

He bit down on my neck causing me to hiss a little in pain and soothed the area with his tongue. While I was enjoying that, his finger ran further up my thigh and were now dangerously close to slipping past my underwear. My breathing had gotten heavy as I waited for him to continue. His mouth returned to mine and he effortlessly slipped his tongue into my mouth. His fingers were inching closer and closer. The anticipation was almost killing me.

The knock on my door was what ruined it all. "God really right now!" I groaned out loud and Niall let out a breathless chuckle. "You're the one who ordered the pizza." Niall teased and got up from me. I narrowed my eyes, still breathing heavy, my chest moving up and down quickly. I managed to get up and swipe my shorts from the ground. "I'll just be a moment." I chuckled and hurried off to the nearby bathroom.

"Nice bum!" Niall yelled and I blushed as I entered the bathroom. I forgot I was still in my underwear. I they were a light orange Victoria's Secret cheeky pair that actually showed my behind off well. I shook my head as I slipped my shorts back on. Well that was really going to happen. Not that I would mind if it did but yeah wow okay. Lets just take a breather and calm down. After a couple couple of deep breaths in and out, I was ready to go back out.

Niall was sitting on the couch with the pizza box on the coffee table. Hm that was weird. He hadn't even taken a slice yet. "Are you not eating yet?" I confusingly asked. He kind of froze in place before answering. "No I was just waiting for you go ahead." He answered and pointed to the box. "Open it." He added and smiled. Okay weird. I sat next to him and moved the box closer to me. I lifted the little tab and was met with a beautiful looking pizza.

I did notice however that there was writing on the cover. I looked at Niall before reading it. "Wha-" I began and Niall shushed me. "Just read." I frowned and turned my head to the box.

I know this is a bit cheesy, but would you go to homecoming with me?

The frown immediately fell from my face and a smile replaced it. I turned to Niall and he had a hopeful face on. Pff. As if I would say no to him. Of course I'm saying yes. "You're such an idiot." I laughed and shook my head. He grinned and took one of my hands "Maybe, but does this idiot get to take to you homecoming?" He mused and my smile grew. "Yes, yes he does." I answered and gave him a small kiss on the lips.


Sorry if that was awkward haha not much experience in writing scenes like this idk. Let me know what you think!

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-k :))

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