Chapter 7

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Ariana's POV

It's three more days left for my battle round, so I am still kinda free. My brother, Frankie, was really busy recently, but he didn't tell me anything about it.

Two days ago was really a very memorable day for me and Nathan. I didn't meet him for one day which is yesterday since he had a lot of meetings with his manager and his record company yesterday, I missed him so much.

Today, I am free so I decided to visit him. I drove my car to his studio. When I reached his studio, a lot of memories floated on my mind, I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. When I walked in there, I saw Nathan was sitting in front of piano and played it.

I knocked the door twice to get his attention. He turned to me and a big smile formed on his face, he said happily "Wow! See who's here? My little princess.". I giggled and asked "What are you doing?". He shrugged and replied "New music.". I nodded and sat beside him in front of the piano.

I was attracted to something which stole my attention, I widened my eyes and whispered "Wow! It's so beautiful.". The wall, the wall which recorded our love was full of photos, our photos. Nathan smirked and put his hand to my shoulder, he whispered "That's our wall, our corner.". It's like a tree, our love was the trunk and the photos are the branches. It's kinda like a mind map. The photos we took that day and even earlier were pasted on the wall. I turned to look at him and smiled "Thanks, Nathan.".

He shook his head and said "Not yet, I want your signature on it as well.". I giggled "Are you serious?". He showed me a marker pen which had already on his hand and replied "What do you think?". I giggled again and walked to the wall to sign my name. It's just above of our love. Nathan had signed his so I just signed mine beside his.

Before I signed my signature on the wall, someone knocked the door. I turned and wondering who is it. A welcome smile formed on Nathan's face as he walked to that guy and welcomed him. I couldn't believe it, I stood still and shouted "Why is he here?". My tone was kinda harsh and sounded rude since I hadn't totally forgiven him yet.

Nathan turned at me and replied with a smile "Oh, Ariana. I think you already know Justin. He informed my manager that he wanted to help me for my new album. I smiled and nodded. I showed my hand to Justin and said "Thank you.". He shook my hand as a welcome for me.

Nathan looked so happy and said "What are we waiting for? Let's do it!". His smile was everything for me, every time when I was looking at his smile, I smile. Ya, I still not yet totally forgiven Justin, but Nathan's smile made me forget about it.

Now, Nathan gave Justin a script of his new song. Justin looked at it and read out loud "Almost Is Never Enough? Wow, what a song, such an emotional song.". I was surprised as this is the song that Nathan told me that day, our duet.

Justin looked confused, he raised an eyebrow and asked "Nathan, this song was completed, why are you showing me this script?". Nathan shrugged and giggled "Actually, my full album was completed, but I hope you can be my supervisor of this song.". Justin nodded and asked "So, did you record all of the songs?". He nodded "Yes, my full album is done and it will be published about next month.".

Justin widened his eyes and asked "What? Next month? But this song...".

Nathan cut him off and said "No, this isn't my song. I wrote this song to Ariana.".

Justin's POV

"Next month? But this song...", I was cut off by Nathan. He cut me off by saying "No, this isn't my song. I wrote this song to Ariana.".

Ariana widened her eyes and asked Nathan nervously "What? Why? This is your song. It should be on your album. Besides, I am not even a professional singer. What about if I...", Nathan cut her off again by saying "Don't worry, be more confident. You will have your own album soon. You will be a great singer. You will be a pop princess one day.".

The Voiceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें