Chapter 29

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Steven's POV

"What's up, Paul?", I entered his house as he opened his door and invited me in.

I took a seat on the couch and sat across him, I looked at him with a patient look.

He cleared his throat and apologized to me "I am sorry, dude. Sorry for disturbing you. I know it's really late now, but I need someone to talk to now.".

I gave him a light nod to show him my understanding. He stood up and asked me politely "Dude, wanna some coffees or any drink?".

I waved my hand and said "It's okay.". I looked around and asked politely "So, how are your wife and your kids?"

He chuckled "My son is about to get married very soon. Life is great so far, but ya only life about family.". He frowned out of sudden as I knew what's the exact reason.

I already knew the exact reason why am I here but I still decided to act polite to him. I cleared my throat and questioned him "Let's make the record straight, what brings me here?".

He sat on his couch and sighed in defeated "You should've known that. Steven, I am tired now. I am tired of The Voice's dramas.".

I nodded as my lips curved a little, a smile was shown slightly on my face, but it turned into a smirk within a second, I reassured with him "So, is this about Ariana and Justin's dramas?".

He sighed and nodded "Yes, those dramas are killing me. I am really tired. I feel like running out of breathe, I feel so done.".

I agreed with him with a huge smirk "Great. Smart choice. You shouldn't even have any thought about eliminate Ariana on the show. You should've given up without even trying.".

He shook his head and argued with me "But, I can't. Those dramas will ruin The Voice. I am the one who have to handle those pressures. NBC had given me a warning just now, I feel so stressed. Fuck those dramas.".

I smirked and told him "Paul, drama doesn't walk into your life. You either create it, invite it or associate with people who just love to bring it into your life. It's time to stop, or else more dramas will attack you.".

He didn't even make any eye contact with me and didn't reply me at all, but remained silent as he's trying to calm himself down and figure out the solution of this issue.

After about few seconds of silence, he broke it by admitted "I know, but I can't. Those dramas aren't caused by me but Justin and Ariana. Their relationship and rumors are a big mistake. It will ruin the whole show if the media or our rivals manage to defeat us in court for suing us.".

He added "It's now a big distraction for the show. The show is about talent, but these rumors are the spotlight of the show now. You should know that very well that NBC doesn't want to cancel this show as well. I've worked so hard for this show and NBC is the main sponsor of our show, I don't want to ruin this. Jariana rumors are only ruining our image.".

I cut him off by reminding him "Dude, do you know what does The Voice actually stand for? Yes, I admit that Jariana rumors are messy, it ruins our show's image but who cares. You guys seem to keep forgetting that The Voice isn't about image, money, fame, look or behavior, but Talent.".

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