Life, Love & Cupcakes 1.

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I put my last batch of cupcakes into the oven. Finally, I was done! I let my back slide down against the kitchen wall and sat on the ground.

"Done?" Sam asked. He hopped off his chair at the dining table and sat next to me.

"Yep," I sighed, resting my head against his shoulder. "That was hard. Remind me to never volunteer for a charity bake sale again. Ever."

Sam laughed loudly. "Will do. How many did you make?"

I added together all the separate batches in my head. "Two hundred and thirty."

I felt Sam jump a bit. "What?!"

"Yeah," I sighed, "and you know the sad thing? The bake sale is for the elderly. They don't even eat cupcakes."

Sam rested his head on top of mine. "I'll happily eat some, you know. I'm sure they're delicious."

I looked up at him and saw his grin. I grinned too.

"You're so cute," I laughed.

"I learned from the best," he replied. He brought his lips to mine.

I loved Sam's kisses. They always left me feeling all warm and -dare I say it -gooey inside.

Our kiss started sweet and gentle, but soon became a lot more passionate. I quickly pulled away.

"What?" Sam asked. He looked worried.

I laughed, and his smile returned. "My parents are home..."

Sam sighed and leaned closer. "So?"

I pulled away. "I would like to live to see my seventeenth birthday, you know."

He laughed and quickly pecked my lips. "Okay. Next time?"

"Sure," I smiled. I stood up and checked the cupcakes in the oven. They looked ready, so I pulled the tray out carefully and set it beside the others.

"What now?" Sam asked, moving to stand beside me.

"Now," I grinned, "We ice them."

It took us an hour and a half and about six litres of yellow frosting to ice all the cakes. Okay, so maybe three or so litres of that went all over our clothes in our frosting war, but still...

We laid the cakes out on my dining table and admired our work. Sam had found a few packets of sprinkles and chocolate chips in one of my cupboards, so we put a handful of them on each cupcake as well. They looked amazing!

"My grandma would be proud," Sam joked. I punched him in the arm, and he added: "What?! Granny makes amazing cupcakes!"

I laughed embarrassingly loudly. Sam walked in front of me and gave me a mischievous grin.

"Close your eyes," he ordered. I obeyed him, keeping my eyes squeezed shut until he told me to open them.

Sam held a cupcake in his hands. It was drowning in yellow frosting, and had a small choc chip love heart filled with rainbow sprinkles in the centre.

"I tried to make it as amazing as you, but I'm afraid I'm not that talented," he said cheekily.

"I love it," I replied, ignoring his cheesy line. It was probably one of the cutest presents I'd ever been given. "I'm not even sure I want to eat it, it's so special." I took the cake off him and looked at it closely.

Sam quickly pulled me into a hug, nearly squishing the cupcake between us. "Well you'll have to eventually, otherwise it'll go gross," he whispered into my ear.

"What a romantic thing to say while we're in each other's arms," I whispered back. He chuckled, and I felt him lift up his arm behind me. It took me a few seconds to realize he was looking at his watch. "You have to go soon, don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said sadly. "Mum's been really strict since the Phillip incident. I have to be home by seven."

Phillip was Sam's twin brother. A couple of months ago, their mum had caught Phillip coming home from a party at 3am, and since then she'd laid down a new curfew and a thousand new rules for the two brothers.

I stretched my neck to look at the kitchen clock. It was 6:30, and Sam lived about 20 minutes away by car. "You still have ten minutes," I said hopefully.

"I have to get petrol," Sam said sadly.

I stuck out my bottom lip grumpily when he pulled out of the hug. "Have I ever mentioned how much I hate your mum?"

Sam laughed and ruffled my hair playfully. "Only a hundred times."

I giggled and stood on my tiptoes so I could kiss him. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but it was still wonderful.

"Bye, jerk," I whispered.

"You're amazing," was his reply. I couldn't help but blush.

I stayed where I was as he stepped around me, walked into the hallway and left through the front door.

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