Life, Love & Cupcakes 26.

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〜• Two Weeks Later •〜

I sat on the picnic rug cross-legged, turning a cinnamon donut between my fingers. The trees surrounding the park managed to block out most of the wind, but a light breeze still found it's way through, and the sweet cinnamon smell found it's way to my nose. I let out a loud sigh. Cinnamon donuts were the best.

"Would you just eat it already?" Sam laughed behind me. I swiveled around to look at him, and saw that he was lying down. He patted the soft rug, inviting me to lie down beside him. I grinned and fell back slowly, smoothing down my strapless floral dress.

"You can't rush something this good," I told him, looking up at the donut. "It must be eaten...very...slowly..." I closed my eyes and breathed in the delicious smell once more.

All of a sudden, the donut was whisked out of my hand. I opened my eyes and looked at Sam accusingly, but he just shrugged. "Dum't nook at moy," he mumbled through his mouthful of donut.

I grinned at him and propped myself up on one elbow. "You know, I'm actually willing to forgive you for taking that."

A confused frown crossed his face. "You awe?"

"Yep," I nodded, leaning in closer to him. "You just put a whole donut in your mouth. Watching you try to swallow it is going to be oh-so entertaining." His eyes widened at the realisation, and I laughed. "Well. Go ahead."

Sam squinted his eyes in concentration, accepting the challenge. He started to chew slowly and deliberately, moving his mouth in little circles like a cow. Even though the action would have looked hilarious on anyone else, Sam managed to make it look pensive. After doing this a few more times, he swallowed the mouthful in a couple of short gulps, then he let out a deep breath. "Tada!" He grinned.

I tried to keep my frown in place, but I eventually broke down and started to laugh. "Whatever," I giggled. "You still owe me a donut."

"I can try," he said sheepishly. "But I doubt I'll be able to find another one that good."

"Oh, I suppose that's fine," I sighed. "Anyway, I have something much better." I leaned over him, reaching my arm into the picnic basket by his side. As I searched through the bag with my fingers, I used my other hand to push him down to the ground. Ever so slowly, I brought my lips towards his, teasing him by always keeping them an inch away. When his patience finally ran out and he stretched up to meet my lips, I sat back and pulled the first thing I could find out of the basket.

"Lettuce," I sighed, looking at the green bag in my hand. " MUCH better than donuts."

"Hey!" Sam frowned. "You had me all excited there." I grinned and swung my leg over his body, so I was sitting on his stomach. My dress rode up a little, but I didn't mind; luckily, I was wearing tights underneath it.

"What?" I asked, feigning innocence. "I was just getting the lettuce out of the basket. It's not my fault if you thought it was more than that." I kept the innocent look on my face, but I gave him a quick wink.

"Oh, no," he grinned, "you're not getting away that easily." Before I could do anything, he brought his knees up behind my back and used them to lift me up. He twisted his hips and flipped me over onto the rug, so he was on top of me. I stretched my legs out and tried to push myself away, but he had anticipated the movement, and he was soon holding my legs in place between his knees. I laughed and put my hands on his shirt, playing with his loose black tie.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked him playfully, running my hands up his chest.

"Isn't it obvious?" He chuckled, bringing his face down to mine. "I'm going to...feed you lettuce." He grabbed the bag out of my hand, opened it swiftly, and pulled out a big leaf. I watched as he put one end between his teeth, leaving the rest sticking out. He brought his face even closer to mine, and when the lettuce was touching my lips, I opened my mouth and took a small bite. Surprisingly, it tasted really good, and I kept nibbling at it until I reached Sam's lips.

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